The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,80

respects power! How did the American people achieve their independence? Did they simply write a nice letter to the King of England, asking ‘Please, your highness, can we run our own country?’ Of course not! The British responded to their requests for freedom by sending in shiploads of armed redcoats to destroy all those who supported any idea of independence. But unlike us, the American people quietly organized themselves into militias. They gathered weapons. They practised their assaults. When the time was right, the British colonies erupted into a bloody war of independence. It took years and they had to sacrifice much of their own blood, but eventually they gained their freedom for future generations. And I’m saying that the time has come when the people of Ireland must follow the same path.”

“War is never the answer,” countered Jamie. “There are also peaceful ways of achieving freedom.”

Ryan shook his head. “But that is only if you command respect from your adversary. Do you think the British government has any respect for us? They take no interest in millions of our people dying of hunger, right next door to their very own country. We’re mere animals to them and to get the respect we need, for us to win back our own country, we must stop rolling over to their every whim and learn how to bite.”

“I don’t agree,” countered Jamie. “If we do what you say and support militias like this, then we’re really no better than the British government. And don’t forget, there are many people in Britain and around the world who also care about Ireland and its people. Distant world leaders have sent us money and food. And you know how important the church is to our people. We provide the food, clothing, and spiritual guidance our people need to survive this tragedy. Our role is clear. It’s non-violent. We cannot take up arms.”

“I know there are some out there who care about the Irish,” Ryan said, taking the Brotherhood ring off his finger, “but there just aren’t enough of them to make a difference. I’m sorry, Jamie. I’m finished with the priesthood, and the Brotherhood. Sometimes there are moments when you just have to fight for what’s right.”

He handed the ring to Jamie. Jamie rolled the ring around in his palm and shook his head.

“You know, I wouldn’t have joined the Brotherhood if it weren’t for you.”

“And I am so proud of you, little brother. We’ve been through so much together, but it’s time to find our own paths. Yours is in the Brotherhood. Mine is fighting for Irish independence.”

A third voice suddenly boomed into the conversation. “And mine is relieving you of the Book of Galway.”

Ryan and Jamie spun to find a tall, narrow-faced man pointing a double-barrelled handgun at them.

“Do I know you?” demanded Ryan, eyeing the gun.

The stranger chuckled. “No. Not really. But I do know the two of you. You are brothers, correct? Ryan and Jamie Galway. You both belong to the Brotherhood, a collection of Irish monks who protect a long forgotten treasure. I aim to get myself a boatload of that treasure and I’m going to need the book that’s sitting in your leather satchel to do it. So, if you don’t mind, just pass the satchel to me and I’ll be on my way.”

Jamie’s eyes flared with recognition. “That was you tracking us in Montreal! You threw Beth into the fire at the House of Parliament!”

“She was simply a loose end. All would have gone according to plan if you had simply put the book into the sack that was brought up ahead of you. I have to admit, I didn’t think that you’d risk keeping it on your person while surrounded by an inferno.”

“I’m going to kill him,” growled Jamie. The man aimed the gun at Jamie’s chest and pulled back the trigger.

“Whoa there, my pacifist brother,” growled Ryan, blocking Jamie with his arm. “If he wanted to kill us, he could have pulled the trigger by now.”

“A splendid observation,” agreed the stranger. “You see, I’m a changed man since that incident in Montreal. I could have killed the children who are sitting over there by the creek and then you in order to claim the book for myself, but the fact that you escaped the fire unharmed … well, I would say that moment falls under what I would call the miraculous category. So who am I to argue with God for choosing to save your life? Copyright 2016 - 2024