The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,79

is our top priority!”

Chapter 20

The raucous mess hall brimmed with a festive spirit. The workers cheered and raised their drinks when the man they knew as Patrick Kell proudly announced that he had been reunited with a long-lost brother. Beth and Colin were also invited to the celebration. Everyone enjoyed the enormous portions of celebratory food that Mr. Montgomery provided for the event. After dinner, Ryan stood up and gave an emotional toast to family, lost and found. Soaking in the smiles and good tidings, Jamie felt, for the first time since leaving Ireland, truly happy. The cooks served up a special dessert of peach cobbler and by the time the dishes were cleared, everyone felt as if they had been part of something very special.

The sun was setting behind the escarpment as the two Galway boys and the children left the mess hall. Colin tugged on Jamie’s satchel. He was staring at their fishing rods leaning up against the frame of the mess hall.

“Jamie, can Beth and I go fishing?”

“How about saying thank you to Ryan for that delicious meal first?”

The little boy scrunched up his face in a big smile. “Thank you, Ryan!”

“You’re welcome, Colin. And Beth, it was a pleasure having this chance to meet you.”

Beth ran and wrapped her arms around the brothers. “I’m so happy that you two are together again!”

“So are we,” agreed Jamie.

“Come on, Beth!” said Colin, grabbing her sleeve and yanking her away from the embrace.

“All right, Colin,” said Beth, looking back over her shoulder towards the boys. “Someone told us there is a great creek for brook trout just on the other side of the locks.”

“I know the creek,” said Ryan, pointing towards the woods. “After you go over that small hill, follow the creek back a little bit until you come to a big boulder. Just sit on that rock and lower the worms. You’ll get lots of bites!”

“Good luck!” said Jamie.

“Thank you!” they both shouted as they grabbed their poles and ran off.

“Your children are very sweet; Beth nearly talked my ear off at dinner,” said Ryan, cheekily. “You should be very proud of them.”

“You make me sound like I’m their dad,” said Jamie, giving his brother a shove. “I’m just helping them out. They’ve both been through a lot, just like us.”

“Aye, it does take me back, watching those two supporting each other, and all on their own.”

“I’m hoping that they won’t be on their own for much longer,” replied Jamie. “Colin’s aunt and uncle should be here in a few days’ time.”

“Good. It’s important for kids to have a place to call home.”

Jamie stopped and stared at his brother. “Just like you have back in Ireland. The Brotherhood is your home. It needs you.”

Ryan shook his head. “Let’s go for a walk.”

Ryan led Jamie across the top of the worksite. The cleared site portrayed a stunning vista of Lake Ontario and the distant shores of Canada West. To the right, a cloud of mist rising up in the cooling air marked the magnificent natural beauty of Niagara Falls. Ryan opened his arms to the surrounding land.

“I already told you, I’m not leaving this place.”

“You said that you’re not going back because you’ve joined this rebellious band of Irish immigrants? What was their name again?”

“They’re calling themselves an army. Some members are here working with me on the Welland Canal. That’s how I found out about the group. They’re purchasing arms to fight for Irish freedom wherever the British have interests, including here in Canada.”

“But joining an armed militia goes against all of your priesthood vows!”

Ryan eyed him skeptically. “You’re one to talk about going against our vows. What about breaking into the House of Parliament and stealing a brand new steamship?”

Jamie sighed. “I only borrowed the ship, and there’s no longer any House of Parliament, so that incursion no longer counts. Do you realize what this Irish army is planning to do? You’re talking about full-blown warfare! Ryan, you will be attacking and killing British soldiers!”

Ryan locked eyes with his brother. “I know.”

“How can you do this? How can you go out and kill people?”

“Did King David not lead the Israelites into war? Sometimes warfare is necessary.”

“King David was protecting his people from invasion.”

“And so are we. Can’t you see the connection, Jamie? England invaded our land! This is the only way to remove them once and for all! It’s no different from what’s described in the Bible.”

“How is killing going to solve anything?”

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