The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,56

with tremendous splashes in the St. Pierre River, the river just deep enough to soften their spectacular landing. Jamie thrashed about in the water until he could finally find his feet. Trying to keep his balance in the waist-deep water, he spun in all directions.

“Beth? Beth! Where are you?” Jamie yelled.

Jamie searched frantically in the water. He saw some ripples nearby. He splashed over as fast as his legs could carry him and dove into the water. Grabbing hold, he hauled her up off the bottom of the river. She gagged and coughed, grabbing hold of him in a panicked embrace.

“I … I didn’t know which way was up!” she spluttered.

“It’s all right,” he said, hugging her. “You’re all right.”

He carefully put her down feet first in the river, holding on to her arm until she got her balance. Much to Jamie’s surprise, she suddenly burst out in laughter.

“I can’t believe that we’re still alive!”

“Those are the prettiest stars I’ve ever seen,” said Jamie, looking up at the clearing sky.

She squeezed him. “Thank you so much for catching me. I would have been dead in the library if you hadn’t broken my fall.”

“We would both have been dead if you hadn’t thought of the sewer.”

They sloshed their way toward the nearby riverbank. “I still can’t believe what happened to you in the library. Who could have been on the roof with us and then intentionally tried to kill you by throwing you through the hatch?”

Beth tried to collect her thoughts as they finally stepped onto dry land and collapsed together on a large, flat rock.

“I only caught a glimpse of him, Jamie. He was tall and thin, with a long, hooked nose like an eagle. Before I knew he was there, he had snatched the bag out of my hand. In the next instant, I had been whisked off the ground, lifted over the hatch, and thrown down into the fire. It all happened so quickly. I saw him as I fell through the hatch. I’ll never forget that cold face staring down at me from above.”

Jamie shook his head. “You say he grabbed the bag first. That must have been what he was after. He must have been trying to steal the bag, and then decided to murder you so there would be no witnesses.”

“Was he after your book?”

“It seems to be the only thing that makes sense, but how could he have known about it?” asked Jamie.

“You could have been followed,” she offered.

“All the way from Ireland?” said Jamie, pondering the thought. “There have always been treasure hunters sniffing around the Brotherhood, hoping to find more Celtic masterpieces. I suppose it’s possible. In fact, that’s why my brother and I had to move the book to Cork in the first place. Well, at least your killer believes we’re dead in the fire. It will be the last time we’ll have to worry about him.”

Beth leaned up against him. “I’m so sorry, Jamie. You’ve lost your brother and now your book! This has been a complete nightmare for you.”

“Not a complete nightmare,” countered Jamie. “I met you and Colin.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling.

“And I also still have this.”

Jamie unbuttoned his thick shirt and after reaching down inside, he pulled out a large, folded, waterproof oil-cloth. Beth caught her breath and leaned in closer as Jamie unfolded the cloth. A beautifully bound leather book materialized on his lap.

“Your book?” she gasped.

“Once I had it in my hands, do you think I’d ever separate myself from it again?”

Beth laughed. “I guess not.”

Jamie smiled. “Do you want to see it?”

She nodded enthusiastically. Jamie carefully wiped his hands then opened the cover. By the light of the half moon high overhead, she gasped at the first page. The intricate Celtic designs and words blended into an exquisite piece of colourful artwork. As he carefully turned each page, Beth was awed by the wonderful depictions of animals, trees, and symbols.

“I wish I could read. I want to know what it says!”

“You would have to know Latin and ancient Celtic to read the text, I’m afraid.”

“And the story has the clue for finding the treasure?”

“Yes, but even I don’t know what it is exactly. You would need the other keys back in Ireland in order to decipher it properly.”

On turning the final page, much to Jamie’s surprise, a single piece of paper fluttered down to his feet. He carefully closed the book, picked up the mysterious paper, and unfolded it. By the moonlight, it appeared Copyright 2016 - 2024