The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,22

were given stamped permission on their travel documents to sail on to Quebec City. Dr. Douglas stopped at the couple next to Jamie. He peered into the eyes of the wife and examined her face closely.

“No discolouration. Good. Extend your arm, please.”

She held out her hand. He manipulated the joints of her fingers. “Does that hurt?”

“No, doctor.”

“Fine. Now let’s have a look at your husband, shall we? Hmm, your eyes seem to be slightly sunken and your complexion is somewhat chalky. Hold out your hand, please. Now make a fist and squeeze.”

The man’s face contorted with pain.

“Yes, he is most definitely experiencing first stage symptoms. You will have to remain on the island.”

Shocked, the couple looked at each other.

“But how can you separate us?” exclaimed the husband. “We are both expected in Montreal!”

“Your wife will have to make arrangements to meet you in Montreal after your three week quarantine period has ended. I’m sorry, but I must move on.”

The husband was led away by quarantine staff. The doctor stepped up to Colin.

“Is this the one whose family all perished from dysentery?”

“Typhoid, sir,” answered the assistant, looking through the thick pile of notes.

“He does look healthy, but he better have a stay on the island, just in case.”

Jamie, standing behind Colin, couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “But he’s fine! Just look at him. He doesn’t need to be quarantined. What he needs is to get to his family in Canada West. He’s lost everyone else on the crossing.”

Dr. Douglas looked up at Jamie. “And you are who, exactly?”

“Jamie Galway. I am a friend of the family, and I can firmly state that the boy is not sick.”

“So you were in close proximity to the family during their illness?”

“Yes, I looked after them as I know a little bit about medicine, but I took care not to …”

“Then quarantine Mr. Galway, too.”

Jamie was horrified. “Wait, you can’t! I need to get to Quebec City as quickly as possible myself! Look! I can open and close my hands. No pain!”

Officer Keates overheard the heated conversation and pulled Jamie aside. The doctor ignored Jamie and moved on.

Officer Keates lowered his voice to a whisper. “Don’t argue with the man. He has the power to put you on the next ship back to Ireland if you do not cooperate. I think I can help get you out of this mess. Tell the quarantine officers on the island that there was a mistake and you are a crew member of the Independence. I’ll look after the paperwork at this end.”

Jamie took a deep breath and tried to calm down as Dr. Douglas continued his examinations. It only took a second for Jamie to put his trust in his friend. Jamie took Colin’s hand and led him to a long wooden ladder descending over the side of the ship. Climbing down, he helped Colin into one of the rowboats bobbing along the side of the hull. One of the sailors from the Independence sat at the oars and grinned at Jamie as he and Colin took their place on the bench.

“Hey, crewman,” he said cheekily to Jamie. “Slacking off on your duties again? Sit yourself down over here and grab an oar.”

Jamie smiled as he patted Colin reassuringly. “Sorry. Off duty, mate. I’m just here for the ride.”

Jonathon Wilkes was shocked when he looked down the line and saw Jamie Galway ordered to quarantine. Even he could see the lad was as healthy as a horse. What was the doctor thinking? For a second, he had considered faking an illness himself in order to follow the lad onto the island. Thank goodness, common sense took over before the doctor arrived to examine him. He had been quietly keeping tabs on Jamie’s conversations and had overheard that his brother had sailed on to Montreal. Why should he risk death at the quarantine station, surrounded by all those sick Irish peasants for three weeks, when he could just as easily wait in comfort for Galway to arrive in Montreal? Satisfied with his solution, he opened his mouth to the doctor and let him look into his eyes.

“Good colour. Eyes clear. Do you feel well enough to continue on to Quebec City Mr. … er, Wilkes?

“I have never felt better, sir. It must have been all of the fresh sea air from the crossing.”

The doctor scribbled a note on his clipboard. “All right. That completes the first- and second-class passenger list. Now let’s bring the other passengers up on Copyright 2016 - 2024