The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,20

on land or at sea.”

“They go hand in hand, don’t they? Starvation and disease are the Grim Reaper’s two best mates.”

“And how am I going to fit into all of this? I can’t stay in quarantine for three weeks. I need to find my brother.”

“Don’t worry about Grosse Isle, Jamie. I’ll get your name put on the crew manifest. That way, the captain can give you permission to stay on with us and sail to Quebec City after the identified passengers have disembarked.” Jamie sighed in relief. “Thank you. That would be extremely helpful.”

“After saving the ship a number of times, it’s the least we could do for you.”

A thought suddenly struck Jamie.

“But what of the Carpathia? Would it not also have to send some of its passengers to Grosse Isle for quarantine?”

Officer Keates thought for a moment and smiled. “Possibly. That means there is a chance you might see you brother today.”

Keates slapped Jamie on the back then returned to his duties. Jamie was momentarily overwhelmed at the prospect of finding his brother in only a few hours. Then he remembered the note he had stuffed in his pocket. He walked over to the railing. A beautiful emerald shoreline floated past the ship, a land that Erin and her husband should have had the chance to see themselves, but never would. He unfolded the note. Her handwriting was faint and shaky.

Dearest Jamie, I know I do not have long to live. I can see Brendan, Neil and Patricia waiting for me. You have done everything you could to help us during the crossing. I thank you with all of my heart. Please, help Colin find Sharon and Robson…

It was there the note ended.

Tucking the note back inside his shirt pocket, Jamie marched down the deck and opened the door to the chaplain’s quarters. He found Colin sitting quietly on the side of the bunk while the chaplain filled out another death certificate at his desk.

“May I come in?”

“Yes. Please do,” replied the young priest, standing up. “In fact, I’ll go get some fresh air and give you two a little privacy.”

The priest shut the cabin door behind him. Colin stared at the floor. Jamie crossed the room and sat down next to him on the bed.

“How are you doing?”

Colin sniffed and wiped a tear from his face with a dirty sleeve. Jamie put an arm around his shoulders, just as Ryan had done to him after the horrendous fire that took the lives of his parents.

“I miss her too. She was a good friend and an even better mother. She asked me to help you get to your aunt and uncle’s farm in Canada West. How old are you, Colin?”


“Colin, you need to listen to me very carefully. Somewhere out there, in this new land, you have a family that loves you and is waiting for you. You are not alone. You will be with your aunt and uncle very soon. Do you understand?”

Colin looked up, tears rolling down his cheek. “Can I go there now … to my new family?”

“You’ll have to be patient. It’s a long journey to where your aunt and uncle live. There are also people who govern this country that want to make sure you are not sick before they let you join your new family.”

“I have to wait?” sniffed Colin.

“I’m afraid so.”

“How long?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will you wait with me?”

Jamie hesitated. He couldn’t make a promise to this young boy that he couldn’t keep. It would only break his heart even more. But if he told him the truth, that he had to leave him to go find his own brother, then that would surely shatter Colin as well. In the end, he said the only thing he could say.

“Yes, I will wait with you … for a bit.”

The ship anchored amongst a handful of wooded, picturesque islands. The crescent moon shape of the islands made natural harbours for the handful of anchored passenger ships as they waited for the arrival of the Grosse Isle medical inspection team. Grosse Isle was the largest of the river islands. From the port railing of the Independence, Grosse Isle dominated the view with rows of clean white tents and large wooden buildings decorating the length of the island’s east peninsula. Jamie knew why Grosse Isle was the perfect location for a quarantine station. The river current here was so strong and the distance to shore so great that no one in their right mind would ever consider Copyright 2016 - 2024