The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,18

feelings, but we have to consider the health of the other passengers, including yourself.”

“I’m willing to sleep anywhere, even out on deck.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. Perhaps the captain will bend the rules if you are willing to accept one condition. The woman and child must be kept under quarantine.”


“As well, she won’t be able to access purser services for food or assistance. We can’t afford any more sickness among the crew.”

Erin wrapped her son in her arms as her husband disappeared over the railing.

“I’m sure that she will agree to the quarantine. And I will look after them myself between shifts on deck.”

“Then you must take precautions for your own health. Typhoid is contagious.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”

“So are they friends or family?”

“I’ve never met them before in my life.”

“They’re strangers?” Keates looked at him strangely, then shrugged. “I was going to offer you the extra cot next to mine, but I know the other officers would object to such arrangements once they learn you that are regularly visiting someone under typhoid quarantine. I’m afraid a sailor’s cot is the only accommodation I can offer you.”

Jamie shook his friend’s hand. “That’s more than a generous offer.”

Chapter 5

Jamie ignored the black quarantine ribbon hanging from the latch of his cabin. He lifted the brass handle as he pulled up the handkerchief that hung around his neck until it covered both his nose and mouth. The oils in which he had soaked the cloth were herb derivatives known by the ancients to stop infection. Jamie would have to trust his health to the old Irish texts he had studied under the watchful gaze of the Brotherhood. He stepped quietly through the door.

Erin O’Connor lay under the covers of the bed. Her body was shivering beneath the single sheet. Her youngest son, Colin, was sleeping peacefully on the floor beside her. Hearing the door creak, she opened her eyes and managed to prop herself up on her elbow. She smiled weakly as Jamie presented a plate of bread, a slice of cheese, and a tumbler of water. Jamie tried to hide his shock at the worsening state of her appearance. In just hours, her skin had become milky white. Her voice was dry and raspy.

“You are an angel, Jamie Galway, even if you look like you are about to rob me.”

He laughed, placed the food on the desk beside her, and pulled out the chair.

“Sorry for my appearance, but the cloth has to stay,” said Jamie, sitting down beside her. “How are you feeling?”

“My head feels like it’s swelling to the size of a watermelon and every single joint in my body is on fire. Other than that … I’m as healthy as a horse.”

Jamie admired her courage. “And Colin?”

Her voice quivered. “He seems fine, God bless him. I don’t want him to go through what we went through. My heart simply couldn’t take it, Jamie. Thanks to you, he might survive the crossing.”

Jamie pointed to the porthole. “I’m happy to tell you that we are now officially in Canadian waters. We are only four days away from Quebec City.”

“I don’t know how I’m going to do it, Jamie,” whispered Erin. “My husband and two children … gone. How am I going to survive?”

“You’ll do it for Colin,” he said, looking down at the young boy still sound asleep at the foot of the bed. “When I was young, my uncle helped raise my brother and me. And our extended family helped him, just as yours will in Canada when you arrive.”

She nodded as she wiped her cheek. “And you will find your brother. I know you will. Can I ask one last request, Jamie? It would mean the world to me.”


“I’m so weak. I barely have the strength … to talk anymore. If something should happen to me, can you make sure Colin finds his way to my sister Sharon’s home? She lives in the town of Dundas, Canada West.”

Jamie placed a gentle hand on her feverish forehead. “You can do it yourself, Erin.”

He stroked the matted hair from her eyes, but her distant, hollow gaze confirmed that she was losing the battle with the disease. With a tremendous effort, she raised her head from her pillow. Her reddened eyes refocused on him in a desperate plea for help.

“Just … promise me. I need to know someone will look after my little Colin if I should die.”

Jamie took her hand. “Of course. Colin will make it to his aunt’s Copyright 2016 - 2024