Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,75

the cuffs.”

Fox nodded again. “Gotcha.”

Winter stepped closer, touching Fox’s chin with his empty hand so that the young man looked up to meet his gaze. “And if you see anyone—human, vampire, or whatever—I want you to contact me on the walkie immediately.”

A smirk lifted one corner of Fox’s lips. “How long is this rope? You’re not going to be that far away from me.”

“If I can’t touch you, I’m too far away,” Winter said in a deadly serious tone. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Do you understand?”

Fox swallowed hard, his brilliant green eyes so wide they threatened to swallow Winter up completely. “Yeah, we got this.”

And then, Winter didn’t want to let Fox go. He didn’t even want to walk the few dozen yards away he needed to see ghosts. His brain knew Fox would be safe, but something in his gut was screaming to stay close. Damon wanted Fox. And the prophecy. Fox was only safe when he was in Winter’s arms. It wasn’t logical or particularly sane, but that was where he stood.

Fox forced a laugh. “Okay, Big Sexy. Go do this and we can get sushi for dinner.”

Yes, dinner and then video games and maybe sex. Back to their little hideout away from the world.

Winter pulled the walkie from his pocket and quickly checked that it was working. He wasn’t taking any chances with Fox. Satisfied that he’d hear the witch, he tucked it away. He carefully uncoiled the rope as he started to walk into the grass away from Fox and toward where he’d seen the two ghosts having a picnic. His heart thudded hard with every step he took, a mix of worry over Fox’s safety and excitement that he’d found an answer at long last to his problem with hearing voices. Two hundred years of struggling and it all came down to an adorable man with bright-red hair.

He was halfway across the field when the first glimmer of white hit his vision. Slowing his steps, he didn’t stop until the two ghosts sitting on the grass solidified as much as they could. He glanced at Fox to see him giving the thumbs-up sign. He was maybe a couple dozen feet away. Grabbing the knife strapped to his waist, he made a little notch in the rope. When they returned to the loft, he’d more precisely measure the distance.

First test complete.

With one last glance at Fox to make sure he was okay, Winter turned his attention to the ghosts, asking them about their day and the picnic, making simple idle chitchat. The man in the summer suit and straw boater hat smiled at Winter as he politely answered. Winter took a couple of steps backward, moving inside the Fox Effect bubble again. Not only did the ghost disappear from sight, but his voice was instantly silenced.

A shout of joy jumped up his throat, but Winter managed to keep it locked behind his teeth. He’d suspected as much. Fox didn’t just block visions of ghosts. He blocked all contact while he was in the world of the living. It was a fucking dream come true.

Unshed tears burned his eyes and he had to cover his mouth with his hand to hold in the choked cries of relief. It was one of his only wishes in the world and he finally had it.

Fox’s worried voice came softly across the walkie talkie. “Winter? Everything okay?”

Winter quickly scooped it up and cleared his throat before pushing the button. “Two tests done. Everything is good.” He moved to where he’d made the notch in the rope and could clearly see the ghosts. “Okay, go ahead and get out of those cuffs.”


Winter kept his eyes on the picnicking ghosts and held his breath. A second later, the vision of the ghosts wavered and disappeared completely. Winter quickly took a few more steps away and they returned.

“Done!” Fox said over the walkie and Winter made another notch in the rope. As he’s suspected, Fox’s magic use extended his Fox Effect bubble. “Did it work?”

Winter placed his knife in its sheath and started to gather up the rope as he walked toward Fox, his heart was singing. He grabbed up the walkie and spoke into it. “It works brilliantly!”

“Oh good, because I’ve got some bad news. I think I broke your cuffs.”

Winter laughed and shoved the walkie talkie into his pocket before jogging the last of the distance between him and Fox. He dropped the rope on the ground,

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