Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,6

set vampires loose on all of humanity like a horde of locusts.”

“We’re predators. Humans are prey.”

“And Damon is insane,” Winter muttered. He released the vampire and allowed him to stumble away. Baldy bounced off the nearest shelf with enough energy to impact the living world, rattling the displayed items slightly.

“Damon’s not crazy.” His eyes darted from Winter and looked around him, taking in his new surroundings and possibly looking for an escape route. “He’s going to be king. The prophecy said so.”

Winter grinned and started to stalk his new plaything. He didn’t have a lot of time. He was growing weaker by the second, but at least he didn’t have to worry about the other vampires finding them.

“Yes, the prophecy. I heard someone mention the prophecy inside of Christopher’s lair. Tell me about this prophecy.”

“Fuck you!” Baldy snapped. He slowly backed away from Winter, his hands opening and closing at his sides.

“Tell me, and you might get out of this alive.”

“No! There—” Whatever he was about to say was cut off with a startled scream when he spotted the ghost jogger across the store. “That’s a fucking ghost!”

The woman looked up and threw him a disgusted look before going about her business.

“Yes, we’re dead here,” Winter murmured.

“Dead? I’m not dead! I’m a vampire! I’m not dead!”

Winter chuckled. “You’ll stay dead if I don’t release you. Now start talking.”

Baldy’s gaze jumped to the ghost again and then to Winter. “A witch…a witch will bring the downfall of the Varik clan. A witch has the key to changing our world.”

“A witch?”

There was no keeping the skepticism out of his voice. Like his brother Bel, Winter had trouble believing in witches. He’d known of only one witch—Zelda—and he’d never actually met her. Just heard stories of her. And there was never any mention of her performing any magic. Just a little so-called prognostication, and even that was so vague it was practically useless.

But then, just a couple of years ago, he would have said there was no such thing as werewolves, and now Bel was mated to two of them.

“Yeah, a witch.”

“And does Damon have the witch?”

Baldy’s face split into an evil grin. “Yes,” he hissed.

Well, that was all Winter needed to know. There was no doubt he could learn more about Damon’s witch and the prophecy—either at the Ministry leader’s manor or possibly at Paavo’s. It was enough of a starting point.

Winter watched the other vampire for a moment as his eyes still desperately searched for some escape.

“Last chance. Are you going to walk away from this? Leave Christopher and Damon?”

“Never!” Baldy snarled.

“Yeah, I thought so.” There was a weariness to his tone he didn’t much care for. While Marcus had become the family’s advocate and negotiator, Winter had become its executioner. He was becoming very tired of that role.

But he was also very good at it.

Palming the knife from his side, Winter surged while the vampire’s attention was on the ghost, plunging the wicked blade deep into the vampire’s chest, straight through his heart. Baldy gasped and stared at the knife in shock while the ghost woman screamed and ran from the store. Even in death, she couldn’t escape the ugliness of the living.

The violent stab wound wouldn’t be enough to end the vampire’s existence. With time and fresh blood, he would be able to heal from it.

Winter pulled the knife from Baldy’s chest, a great sucking sound accompanying it. The vampire cried out and made a feeble grab for him, but Winter dodged the hand and slashed across his throat, opening up critical arteries. Blood gushed from the vampire. He stumbled, knocking into the shelves as he tried to get away from Winter. But he was weaker, and nothing moved. Blood poured down his chest and onto the floor, but it wouldn’t leak into the living world until Winter released him from this one.

Winter tucked the blade away and methodically pulled the rope from his shoulder, loosening it from its loop. God, he was getting tired. He needed to work faster. Baldy collapsed to his knees, choking on the blood. His skin was already turning pale; he didn’t have much time left.

Pausing, Winter looked around the store. He needed just the perfect spot. Something dramatic. Something that would leave a proper impression. Remind the other vampires exactly who they were attempting to fuck with.

Winter’s eyes fell on exactly what he needed, bringing a smile to his lips. He strode over to Baldy, grabbed the vampire by the back of the

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