Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,39

was no doubt Damon would suspect Winter was the culprit behind Fox’s disappearance. The fucking vampire could be striking against his family before they even made it to Hartford. He needed to get back to help his brothers prepare for any retaliation. And hopefully get some more information on this stupid prophecy.

The sun was barely below the distant horizon when he and Fox loaded up into the SUV. He was painfully aware that Fox had nothing but the clothes he’d been kidnapped in. The guy needed a few things, at least. Ugh. And food. He had zero food at his place. Just stacks of bagged blood in his refrigerator. Vampires couldn’t survive exclusively on bagged blood, but it allowed them to stretch periods between hunts for fresh human blood.

Winter’s traveling companion was quiet as they got on the road, his eyes frequently flicking to the rearview mirror and over his shoulder.

“We’re not being followed,” Winter murmured.

“You sure?”

“Pretty sure. You can relax.”

Fox huffed a laugh. “You make that sound so easy. I’m guessing you’ve done things like this in the past.”

One shoulder lifted in a shrug. “Not quite like this,” Winter admitted, but his many adventures were close enough. Fox’s nervousness was enough to tip Winter’s indecision in favor of reaching out to his brothers. Well, just one, but which? Definitely not Rafe. He loved his brother, but he would create a bigger headache than help.

Marcus would be too bossy. Ethan would be a much better contact. But it was too difficult to separate the fledgling from his lover.

No, Bel and his wolves would be perfect. If he could corral Bel’s endless questions.

Pressing a button on his steering wheel, Winter said, “Call Bel.”

Fox glanced over at him, his eyes full of questions. “Your brother?”

Winter nodded as the phone rang three times before Bel answered.

“Winter?” Bel sounded sleepy.

“Bel,” Winter grumbled. “The sun has been down for at least an hour. You can’t possibly be in bed still.”

“I’m awake,” Bel replied quickly, sounding more awake.

“But still in bed,” Wyatt’s deep voice added.

This was followed by some noises that sounded like hushed whispers, laughter, and the rustling of sheets. Wonderful. He’d caught his older brother in bed with his two lovers. Not a mental image he really needed while he was driving.

“Holy shit,” Fox said on a laugh.

“Who’s that?” Bel demanded, and Winter couldn’t help but snicker. Yeah, Bel and the others had assumed he was alone and gotten burned.

“He’s the reason I’m calling,” Winter said. “I’m driving to Hartford…with the witch from the prophecy.”

There was a long silence and Winter glanced over to see Fox sinking down in his seat a little lower, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

“Bel, his name is Fox Turner, and he was kidnapped by Damon’s brutes. He’s coming home with me until we can get Damon taken care of. Then he’ll be able to return to his home.” At least that was what Winter was hoping at this point.

“Hello, Fox,” Bel replied, but his voice sounded strained, as if there was a lot he was holding back.

“Hi, Bel. Your brother has told me nothing about you. Well, other than the fact that you are very bad about rising each night.”

Winter smirked at Fox and the forced cheerfulness in his voice. The witch just shrugged at him.

“Of course he did,” Bel muttered.

“I could use your help with something,” Winter started again, trying to pull his brother’s brain away from the dark thoughts he was likely turning over. He didn’t want Bel thinking about the fact that Winter had in hand the witch that was supposed to be destroying his family.

“What do you need?”

“They grabbed Fox straight off his job, and then I kind of stole him from Damon. He’s got…”

“Nothing,” a new voice filled in. Winter smiled. He’d recognize River’s softer tones anywhere. “We can make sure he’s outfitted for at least a week by the end of the night.”

“Thanks, River.”

“No problem. Just need sizes.”

“Whoa…wait! I don’t want anyone to go to trouble. I-I…” Fox said quickly, but his stammers drifted off.

“Fox, you need clothes,” Winter said gruffly, not taking his eyes off the road. Late evening traffic wasn’t too bad, but they couldn’t afford to get tied up in a minor fender bender. They needed to get to Hartford safely and quickly. “I don’t mind loaning you some of mine, but I thought you’d feel more comfortable with something to call your own.”

“Yeah, but the expense,” Fox said in a whisper. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been fired from my job at

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