Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,27

the room and picked up a black bag Fox hadn’t even noticed on the floor. Setting it on the end of the bed, the vampire dug through it before pulling out what looked to be a first aid kit.

“Really?” Fox said, feeling a little braver now that the vampire proved he wasn’t looking to tear his throat out for breakfast. “Vampires need first aid? I thought you healed fast.”

“We do. Just not as fast as the movies like to show it. Sometimes I need a Band-Aid to hold my guts in until I heal,” he muttered.

Fox gasped and tilted his head, trying to look into the vampire’s eyes. “Was that a joke? Did you just make a joke?” The vampire stopped and glared at Fox, making him chuckle. “It was an adorable joke. A good first attempt,” he teased.

The vampire ignored him as he tossed two new packets of aspirin at him. He added a small tube of ointment to the pile. “For the headache and the rope burns.” He straightened with a roll of gauze in his hand. “We should probably wrap your wrists, so they don’t get infected.”

“Uh, no. Thanks, but I’d rather not look like I tried to slit my wrists.”

The vampire narrowed his eyes at him. “But you’re comfortable looking like an escapee from a bad BDSM scene.”

For a heartbeat, Fox was rendered speechless by that assessment, but then a flood of questions and thoughts filled his brain if that was the vampire’s first thought when he looked at his wrists. A slow smile spread across Fox’s lips and the vampire looked very, very uncomfortable.

“I have soooo many questions now,” Fox said, almost purring.

“Eat,” the vampire barked. He shoved the gauze into the kit and returned it to the bag.

Fox watched the vampire as he resettled the bag and returned it to the floor. That was interesting. He’d had the audacity to tease his other captors once, and he’d gotten the shit knocked out of him.

But this vampire…he could take a joke, take a little teasing, and not beat him for it. He’d also bothered to ask about his injuries. Had even gotten him something to reduce his pain.

Maybe not a total bad guy.

“You know, you never told me your name. What the hell am I supposed to call my knight in shining armor?” Fox teased as he carefully popped the top off a mini can of Pringles. He was already planning to alternate between salty and sweet until his stomach burst. With some food in him, he might be able to think more clearly, plan a better escape than just running.

The smirk was back on the vampire’s lips, and some secret part of Fox wanted to toss all his junk food aside just to taste that man’s mouth. At least, it looked more appealing until he spoke.

“Winter. Winter Varik.”

Fox was moving before his brain could catch up with his body. Varik was the name of the vampire who supposedly wanted him dead. He wasn’t sticking around to find out if it was true. Lunging across the bed, he made for the door, not caring about the food or even logical plans for escape. He needed out. Fast. Fast as he possibly could.

But despite his obvious fatigue, Winter was faster. He zipped in front of the narrow hall that led to the door. The only escape from the room.

Sucking in a deep breath, Fox opened his mouth to scream. Maybe someone would call security if they heard him, but Winter’s hand slapped across his face while the other grabbed his arm.

“Don’t!” the vampire snarled. “I don’t want you dead.”

“But—” Fox tried to say, the word muffled under Winter’s hand. His breaths were coming in short bursts, brushing against Winter’s skin.

“Think. If I wanted you dead, it would have been a lot simpler to just stab you while you were tied up at Damon’s, right?”

Okay, that kind of made sense. Winter had made sneaking out of the house look easy, but it probably would have been a hell of a lot easier without Fox in tow. Hell, Fox had been tied up like a goddamn present. Winter could have crossed the room, stabbed him, and been out the door again before Fox took his last breath.

Instead, he was here in this hotel room with aspirin, ointment, and a basket of junk food.

“Feeling rational again?” Winter demanded. Fox nodded. Winter slowly lowered his hand and released Fox’s arm. “Back to the bed and your junk food.”

Fox couldn’t help

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