Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,116

magic could be a threat and what was meant by “disarm the Variks.”

But even with a new plan of action in hand, the mood remained somber. Winter loved his brother, but he wished to God the man hadn’t stopped by. He and Fox had been happy in their little bubble away from the world. It had been a taste of heaven, and now Winter didn’t want to go back to normal life.

Just the idea made his stomach turn and his heart ache.

Life before Fox had been bleak with little sparks of happiness here and there when he was with his brothers. It had been balancing protecting Julianna from herself, protecting his brothers from her, and protecting all of his family from other vampires. The job had no end in sight.

And then there were the ghosts. Bitching and moaning and constantly cluttering up his life. They floated through, wanting something, searching for something, or just angry they were dead. And Winter could do nothing about it.

But with Fox, it felt like all of that went away. For just a little while, he could simply be, and it was glorious.

Even if he was dealing with other vampires and fighting against them, he had Fox right there at his side. The burden didn’t feel so great.

Talking to Marcus, though, had left Winter feeling torn. He felt guilty for what happened to Blush. For so many years, he’d overseen the protection of his family. It was his job. It was what he was good at. Marcus dealt with the Ministry and other clans. Bel was their scientist and Rafe, for all his troublemaking, was sort of their goodwill ambassador. If a vampire didn’t start a quarrel with the Variks, then Rafe made sure he or she had fun at his club.

Unfortunately, Winter didn’t want to do his job anymore. He didn’t want to spend his nights covered in the blood of the clan’s enemies. He didn’t want to constantly risk his life for a new secret. He wanted Fox. He wanted to laugh and make Fox happy. He wanted to find a way for Fox to be trained in magic, because it was important to him and his sense of identity. He wanted to spend more time figuring out why he had this ghostly power in the first place and why Fox affected him as he did.

There had to be more for life. At least, he wanted more for his life.

But that might not be possible as a vampire. His brothers had found love, and he envied them for it. Marcus had found Ethan. Rafe had his Philippe. Even awkward and absent-minded Bel had his wolves. Was he trying to force Fox into a slot where he didn’t actually fit? Or maybe Winter wasn’t meant to have someone. He was just meant to kill.

No, he didn’t believe that. Fox saw him, saw the things he did, and believed he was more than that. They had more than a stupid prophecy and Fox’s gift binding them together. He knew in his heart that Fox was his, and he would find a way to make this work.

Winter shoved to his feet and went to double-check the security system and the locks on the door before climbing the stairs in search of Fox. He found the witch sitting on the edge of his bed with a towel dangling from both hands. His gaze seemed a million miles away at that moment, and Winter hesitated to bother him, but his grim expression left Winter sure he was not thinking happy thoughts.

“I’m wondering if we moved too fast,” Fox murmured, proving that he was aware of Winter standing in the open doorway.

Winter’s heart gave a painful skip in his chest, and he hesitated a second before stepping into the room. “What do you mean?”

Fox shrugged a shoulder. “The dating, sex, and moving in thing. We’ve been lost in our own world for a few really good days now. Yeah, we’ve had to deal with some problems here and there, but other than that, it’s just been us. We’ve been blissfully unaware of the rest of the world and any problems.”

“We’ve had our arguments.”

Fox made a slightly dismissive noise, as if he wasn’t completely convinced. “We’ve talked so much, and yet I’m not sure I really know you.”

Winter entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to Fox. He was dressed in only a pair of sleep pants. The smell of coconut body wash drifted from

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