Embrace the Night Page 0,59

them from the task at hand. Which, among other things, included saving the other me's life.

I didn't move, didn't breathe, didn't blink. The black tank top and jeans I'd decided would be appropriate for the night's activities would help make me harder to spot. But they could smell me from this distance, even in a parking lot filled with gas fumes and garbage. One of the vamps paused, lifting his head slightly as if scenting the air, and I swallowed thickly. It was Tomas, my onetime roommate, who had had six months to get my scent down cold. If he sensed me…

But he didn't. The three men ran into the rows of cars and a few moments later all hell broke loose, with gunshots, screams, and someone setting a car on fire. I took off for the back door at a dead run. And skidded to a halt a couple of seconds later when the very last person I wanted to see appeared in my path.

I managed to catch myself before careening into him, but it was a close thing. I hastily scrambled back a couple of steps just to be on the safe side. "You're not supposed to be here!" I said accusingly.

One perfect eyebrow formed itself into an equally perfect arch. "Then we have something in common, dulcea."

Chapter 11

I stared at Mircea in shock. "You're supposed to be downtown!" The version of me who'd just chased Jimmy across the parking lot had escaped from MAGIC earlier that night. And although its wards had allowed me to be tracked into the city, no one had been sure exactly where I'd gone. While Tomas, Pritkin and a vampire named Louis-Cesare came here, Rafe and Mircea had gone to Tony's main offices. Or so I'd thought.

"I was. I left Raphael there, in case you made an appearance," Mircea said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "May I ask how you knew that?"

"Probably wouldn't be best," I said, wishing hysteria was a luxury I could afford.

Mircea just stood there, looking ridiculously model-pretty with his tousled hair and faintly amused mouth, his rich black suit perfectly showcasing his—objectively speaking—extremely attractive body. I didn't know if he did it deliberately, but his clothes always seemed to run just a little snug around the biceps and thighs, drawing my attention where it absolutely had no place being. Not to mention that Mircea in black looked like sin. The only saving grace was that at least it wasn't leather—and why was I even going there?

He held out a hand. It was a silent invitation, but it made my stomach flip. My stomach was an idiot.

I jumped back, almost stumbling over my own feet. "Don't touch me!" The last time I'd encountered Mircea in the past, the geis had leapt from me to him, starting this whole mess by doubling the spell. Would I triple it if he got close enough now? Because I didn't think either of us could survive that.

Somewhere nearby, people were yelling and Pritkin was swearing and a couple of terrified-looking wererats scurried past, dripping blood on the asphalt. "We must go, dulceata?" Mircea said mildly.

The fact that he was still using the pet name he'd given me years ago, meaning "dear one," was probably a good sign, but I doubted it was going to last. I needed to get gone, but I really didn't want to shift in front of him—it would tell him a lot more than I wanted him to know. But I couldn't exactly outrun him, and I sure couldn't let him get close enough to touch me.

"Cassie." Mircea looked at me reproachfully when I continued to ignore his outstretched hand.

But, I thought, desperately backing away, the screwup had come in an era before the geis was cast. That Mircea hadn't had it, so the spell had leapt from me to him to complete itself. But this Mircea did have it, had both strands, in fact, so he should be immune. Right?


"I'm trying to think here!" I told him as he started toward me.

"You can think at MAGIC, where it's safe."

"You know," I said savagely, "considering how often I hear that word, it's amazing how frequently I end up almost dead!"

"That will not happen tonight," he said firmly, and took my hand. I stared at him in horror, waiting for the electric sizzle that would tell me I'd just managed to kill us both. But other than the faint tingle the geis always gave off, there was nothing.

Nothing except a sweet,

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