Embrace the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,90

she wouldn't remember him, or what had happened.

He walked slowly back to Sara's apartment, wondering if Sara was now in Nina's power. Did he dare take his rest in Sara's apartment while there was a chance that Nina had enslaved Sara's mind?

As amusing as Nina might find it to have Sara destroy him, it would be a quick death, at least for him. Somehow, he didn't think Nina would find much satisfaction in that. She'd want him to surfer more, want Sara to suffer more. What was it Nina had told Sara? This is just the beginning...

He swore under his breath. There had to be a way to defeat Nina, to catch her off guard, but how?

When he returned to Sara's apartment, he found her asleep on the sofa, her head pillowed in Delacroix's lap.

Gabriel tried not to notice how well they looked together, two mortals in the prime of life. He felt a twinge of guilt, knowing without doubt that Sara and Maurice would have been married now if he hadn't returned to Paris. She would have had a chance for a normal existence with Delacroix, he thought bitterly. And yet, stronger than his guilt for intruding on her life was the violent surge of jealousy that spread through him when he saw Delacroix drape his arm around Sara's waist, the gesture blatantly protective.

"Go to bed, Delacroix," Gabriel said. "I'll look after Sara."

"If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be in any danger."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed ominously. "Don't you think I know that? Dammit, if I could undo what's been done, I would. But it's too late for that now. Nina won't rest until she has her revenge."

"Why don't you leave Sara alone, get out of her life. If you're gone, maybe that vampire woman will leave her alone."

"Maybe, but it's not a chance I'm willing to take, not when it's Sara who'll have to suffer the consequences if you're wrong."

"You haven't done much to protect her so far," Maurice said.

"Tread softly, Delacroix," Gabriel warned, "else you find two vampires seeking your destruction."

"What if she's changed her mind? What if she decides she no longer wants to spend the rest of her life with a... with you? Will you kill me then?"

In a single fluid move, Gabriel stepped forward and lifted Sara into his arms.

"Go to bed, Delacroix," he said, his voice as hard as flint, as cold as ice. "Get out of my sight now, while you can."

All the color drained from Maurice's face. Body rigid with fear, he stood up and started toward the spare bedroom.


Slowly, Maurice turned around.

"Make sure the doors and windows are secure before you retire."

With a curt nod, Maurice exited the room.

"You wouldn't really hurt Maurice, would you?"

Gabriel glanced at Sara. She was staring up at him, a troubled expression on her face.

"Have you been awake the whole time?"

Sara nodded.

"Is there any truth to what Delacroix said? Have you changed your mind? Is it him you want?"

"Will you kill him if I say yes?" Her gaze was steady on his as she waited for an answer, wondering what had possessed her to ask such a question.

The world seemed to hang suspended in time as she waited for his answer. She was acutely aware of the strength of the arms that held her, of the dark passion that blazed in Gabriel's eyes. A muscle jerked in his cheek, and then he released a sigh that seemed to come from the very depths of his being.

"I don't know, Sara," he replied quietly. "I honestly don't know."

Suddenly ashamed of playing such a cruel, coy game, she flung her arms around his neck. "You'll never have to find out," she said, her voice equally quiet. "I love you, Gabriel. No matter what happens, that will never change."


His arms tightened around her, making it difficult to draw a breath, but it was a discomfort she could live with. Her eyelids fluttered down as he bent his head toward hers, and then he was kissing her, hotly, deeply, his tongue plundering her mouth as he carried her into the bedroom and closed the door, shutting out the rest of the world.

Gabriel lay on his back, his arm curled around Sara's waist, listening to the even sound of her breathing. He had made love to her twice before sleep claimed her, made love to her as if she were the only thing that could save him from eternal damnation. In her arms, with her body pressed to his, her voice whispering

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