Emancipating Andie - By Priscilla Glenn Page 0,93

I’ve always known that about you. I just never thought you’d screw me over. I loved her, Chase! Do you love her? Or are you just going to keep her around for as long as she entertains you?”

Chase stared at him, saying nothing. There was no way to answer that question without making this worse.

“You worthless piece of shit. Your father was right about you.”

A rush of heat flooded Chase’s body as pain stung his chest, rivaling the pain of his eye, and he took a small step toward Colin.

He didn’t know how much longer he could contain himself after that.

“You need to leave,” Chase said, his voice tinged with the anger he felt welling in his stomach.

Colin shook out his hand, looking at Chase with disgust. “When you fuck this up, when you break her heart, I hope you can live with yourself.” He tossed the shirt in Chase’s face before he turned and left, slamming the door behind him.

Chase stood there, his breathing labored and his body trembling as he stared at the door; after a stunned minute he turned, squatting down to collect the broken glass from the floor. He lifted one of the half broken bottles, jumping up suddenly and hurling it against the wall.

“Fuck!” he shouted before he dropped his head back and covered his face with his hands.

Chase wasn’t sure how much time had passed. He was lying on the couch holding a frozen pizza to his left eye, and he didn’t have it in him to lift his head and check the clock. His entire body ached, and he rolled his neck and flexed his free hand, trying to get the tension out of his muscles.

Colin’s voice kept playing over and over in his mind, telling Chase his father had been right about him. He couldn’t stop hearing it, and with every passing second, his body coiled tighter.

The hammering behind his eye was relentless, and Chase pressed the pizza more firmly against it, grunting roughly as the oversensitive swelling ached in protest.

He’d been trying to stifle the anger that had been churning in the pit of his stomach ever since Colin stormed out of his apartment, but the effort was exhausting. He couldn’t figure out what infuriated him more: the fact that Colin had said those words to him in the first place, or Chase’s realization that there was actually validity behind them.

He could just picture his father’s face, the condescending sigh as he shook his head and asked him what kind of man would do what Chase had done.

Chase felt his jaw lock as his muscles tensed again, amplifying the throbbing in his left eye.

He heard the sound of someone approaching his door, the rustling of bags combined with the clicking of heels, and he exhaled a curse. If he had been thinking rationally, he would have called her and postponed this. He was in no mood to speak to anyone right now, let alone enjoy a romantic dinner.

“Hey,” he heard her say, followed by the sound of crunching glass. “Oh, damn it. Chase? Why is there broken glass all over your floor?”

There was a beat of silence before he heard the grocery bags drop. “Oh my God! What happened to you?” she cried, her voice full of panic as she hurried toward him. She sat on the edge of the couch, reaching over to take the pizza off his eye, and her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes went wide.

He knew what it looked like a little while ago; swollen shut, the skin pulled tight over the purpley-pink lump. He doubted it looked any better now.

“What happened?” she asked with alarm, and he looked up at her, exhaling heavily.

Chase watched her eyes change as the realization finally hit her. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “How?”

He knew exactly what she was asking, and he gestured halfheartedly at the coffee table. Andie turned, catching sight of Chase’s crumpled soccer shirt in the center of it. “He found it when he went to your place to pick up his stuff,” he mumbled.

It was a moment before she turned back to him. “I just don’t understand this,” she said, her voice pained. “It was my decision to break up with him. My choice. You didn’t do anything. You never even touched me when I was still with him. Why would he do this to you?”

Chase laughed bitterly. “Well what did you expect him to do? Shake my hand? Congratulate me on nailing the

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