Immortal Hearts(5)

"I guess that's cool," she said with halfhearted interest.

Becky and Onyx nodded again.

"And he loves art," I added, remembering his tattoo. "He'll take you to the greatest museums."

"He's an artist, too?"

"I think so," I fibbed. "Maybe he can use you as a model for a painting," I suggested.

"He sounds just like Alexander," Becky interjected.

I was ready to stomp on my friend's foot, but Luna's sparkly pink-lashed eyes lit up like a crystal.

That was all Luna needed to know. She sailed over to the bar, and a guy offered her his stool.

She hopped on it, threw back her long pink hair, and leaned her elbows on the bar.

"What can I get you?" Romeo asked.

It was magic when their eyes locked.

"Well, that depends," Luna said in a sultry voice. "What's on the menu?"

"Romeo, I need your help!" Scarlet called. She was up to her elbows in drink orders.

Oh no! I'd finally made a love connection for Luna that didn't involve any of my or my friends' guys, and it was going to be messed up within seconds.

"Stay where you are!" I said to Romeo. "We'll help her."

Becky followed me as we raced behind the bar.

"I don't know the first thing about making drinks," Becky said, overwhelmed with our new mission.

"I don't, either. But since there isn't alcohol in them, it can't be that hard."

"I'm not so sure...." Becky whimpered.

"Just stick an umbrella in it," I said. "It's that easy."

I found bartending wasn't as easy as adding cute garnishes to frosted glasses. I had to take back as many drinks as I served, and Scarlet was taking in all the tips.

Becky and I owed more than we came with, and I hadn't had a chance yet to get back to Alexander.

Alexander finally found us at the bar, exhausted and spent.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, shocked. He and Sebastian sat down on two empty stools. I was pouring a cola from the soda gun; my hair was falling in my face and my charcoal-colored eyeliner was smearing in the heat.

"What would you like?" I asked him. "How about a Serial Killer?"

"We were looking everywhere for you," he said, concerned. "You didn't answer your phone."

"Oh, sorry! I didn't hear it ring," I apologized. "It must be in my purse. I had no idea how hard this job can be. There are three of us here, and we still can't keep up.""Why isn't Romeo working?" Sebastian asked.

"He is. Look," I said. Romeo and Luna were lost in each other's gaze. "Isn't that sweet?"

"That's what this is all about?" Alexander said, scrutinizing them.

"I'm glad she has her fangs on someone else," Sebastian said, his blond dreads bobbing as he turned her way. "That girl is cook-a-loo - !"