Ella Enchanted - By Gail Carson Levine Page 0,36

forward defiantly.

"They'll hate each other within a month," Claudia answered.

Lucinda laughed, a pretty, tinkling sound. "No they won't. They'll love each other more than ever."

Cyril shook his head. "If they argue -- and all loving couples argue -- they'll never be alone to recollect themselves, to find ways to forgive each other."

"You know nothing about,it. Not all couples argue, and these two won't. They're too much in love."

"Imagine he bites his nails, and she doesn't like it," Claudia said. "Or she rocks back and forth when she talks, and he doesn't like it -- they will never have any respite from the quality they don't like. It will grow and grow until all he sees in her is rocking and all she sees in him is nail-biting."

"My gift has nothing to do with nails and rocking. It has to do with the heart, which loves to be near that which it loves."

I forgot my walnut and stared at the mad fairy.

"Visit again in a year," Cyril challenged. "You'll see what the heart loves."

"From now on all giants will elope," Claudia said, "rather than risk a wedding with you as a guest."

"I shall return! And I'll be right and they'll thank -- What are you staring at? I mean you! Wench!" Lucinda whirled on me.


SHE'S PROBABLY another supplicant," Cyril said, "come to beg you to take away a gift you gave her at birth."

"Don't turn this one into a squirrel. I can't bear to watch it." Claudia grasped Lucinda's wrist. "You can't know squirrels lead 'charming, contented lives.' I'm sure she prefers to be a human maiden."

A squirrel! I had to keep her from making a squirrel of me.

"Abensa eke ubassu inouxi Akyrria," I said, wondering if she spoke Ayorthaian. I had just told her I didn't understand Kyrrian.

Lucinda's expression softened. "I'm sorry, my sweet," she answered in Ayorthaian. "I asked why you were staring at me."

"You're so beautiful." Let her think me simple.

"What a darling child! What's your name, dear?"

"Elle." This was Ella in Ayorthaian.

"Beauty isn't important, Elle. Only what's in your heart is important. Do you understand that?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I stared."

"No need to be sorry, sweet child. You did nothing wrong." Her smile was dazzling.

"Thank you, lady." I curtsied.

"You may call me Lucinda." She lifted her chin. "They would not have me say so" -- she indicated Cyril and Claudia -- "but I am a fairy."

"A fairy! That's why you're so beautiful."

"My friends--"

"Are shopkeepers," Cyril said firmly, also in Ayorthaian. "We sell shoes."

"For tiny feet." Lucinda laughed.

"For children," Claudia amended.

"Oh," I said. "I don't need shoes, but I need help, magical help. Can you help me, Lady Lucinda?"

"You don't need her help," Claudia said. "You should leave her while you still may."

"I'd be delighted to help you. You see, Claudia, they do need us. Tell me, Elle."

"I want more mettle, if you please, lady. Whatever anyone tells me to do, I do, whether I want to or not. I've always been this way, but I wish I weren't."

"The maiden is naturally obedient," Cyril said. "Isn't that one of your gifts? And she doesn't like it."

"I knew how sweet you were the moment I saw you. Obedience is a marvelous gift, Elle. Sometimes I give that gift to little babies. I certainly won't take it away from you. Be happy to be blessed with such a lovely quality."

"But..." I began, then stopped as Lucinda's order gripped me. My mood changed, and I smiled joyously. The curse had been turned into a blessing.

"Thank you, lady! Thank you," I said, almost forgetting to speak Ayorthaian. I kissed her hand.

"There, there. You don't have to thank me. You only needed to see it in the proper light" She patted my head. "Now run along, Elle."

My first order in my new state. I was delighted to obey. I rushed off.

I knew I was happy only because I'd been ordered to be, but the happiness was absolute. I still understood why I had always hated Lucinda's gift. But I was glad nonetheless. I imagined future commands, awful ones, ones that would kill me, and I glowed at the idea of obeying them.

For the first time since Mother had died, I was free of fear. I would embrace whatever happened. I felt as light as a cloud.

I decided to find Father. If anyone would have commands for me, he would. I found him outside Uaaxee's house, climbing into his carriage. He turned when he heard my voice, and I received a shock. He was actually

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