Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,32

trying to overpower me. But I am too strong for it and so it lies dormant until I am ready, should that time ever come.’

‘But accept it you must,’ said Cleress, her voice suddenly gaining intensity. ‘It is the future for us all.’

Erienne stared at her long and hard.

‘If you deny it for ever, it will shrivel and wither, but not before causing your death. Then you and your daughter will both have died in vain,’ said Myriell.

‘On my terms if at all,’ said Erienne slowly. ‘If you so much as touch the outer reaches of my mind, I swear I will come back here and kill you both. I trust I make myself clear.’

‘Back?’ Cleress’s half-smile stretched her face painfully.

‘That is why I am here. The Raven are leaving here and I have been reminded that I am one of The Raven. Xetesk controls Herendeneth now. We have things to do, so my husband informs me. While I am gone, keep out of my mind unless by some miracle I invite you in. But more important, stay away from Lyanna’s grave. Your foul presence would upset her rest. Nerane will tend her until I return.’

Myriell and Cleress shared a glance.

‘We will, of course, respect your wishes,’ said Cleress. ‘But remember we are dying. And even though you may hate us, you need us. Because the One will awake and only we can shepherd you through the ordeal you must face.’

‘If I choose to believe you.’

‘Believe me, girl!’ snapped Myriell. ‘It is an enormous power. And if you awaken it without our help, your fate will be more awful than your daughter’s.’

Erienne was surprised at the vehemence of Myriell’s outburst but still refused to be cowed.

‘I know you want what lies dormant in my head. I know you think you can return the One to dominance through me. But for now it is lost to you. And you will suffer that loss as I have suffered mine. But at least you will have the one thing I do not. Hope.’

‘Be careful where you travel,’ warned Cleress.

‘I will go where I choose and I will do as I please.’ Erienne turned and headed towards the kitchen door, suddenly hungry. She paused at the door as a final thought struck her.

‘You do not own me, Al-Drechar. And you do not own what I host. You would do well to remember that.’

Ilkar left Herendeneth with a mix of emotions that left him distinctly uncomfortable. He hardly knew where to start to sort it all out. He was happy to be leaving the island but deeply concerned by the overwhelming Xeteskian presence there. His desire to recruit, even temporarily, mages from Calaius to help rebuild Julatsa was tempered by his anxiety about returning to his Southern Continent homeland for the first time in over a century.

And perhaps worse than all of it, immediately at least, he was going to have to travel there by ship. Despite the pouch of the relaxing and settling drug, lemiir, that the Al-Drechar had given him, his memories of misery and sickness on the open ocean were all too fresh.

Scaling the netting covering the port side of the Calaian Sun, he dropped onto the deck and shook hands with the ship’s master, Captain Jevin. The elven sailor smiled a little too knowingly.

‘Hoping to develop sea legs a little quicker this time?’ he asked.

‘Just tell me it’s not a long journey,’ replied Ilkar.

‘Three days if the weather holds.’ Jevin’s eyes sparkled. ‘Still, there’s a healthy eight- to ten-foot swell out there and you know how capricious the weather can be.’

‘I’m so glad I asked.’

Jevin laughed and gestured aft. ‘Same cabin, Ilkar. Make yourself comfortable.’

Ilkar hefted his bag and moved off along the sleek vessel, nodding at any of the crew who had time to look up as he passed. All elven, the ship and her crew had played a pivotal role in stopping the Dordovans capturing Lyanna, risking their own lives for a wholly inadequate price to take The Raven across the storm-ravaged Southern Ocean. It was a debt that could never properly be repaid, not with mere coin though they were now pledged a good deal of that. But all Ilkar hoped for was a calm enough sea. Feeling the first twinges in his stomach at just the thought, he went below.

In quick time, The Raven were all aboard, netting and boats were stowed and the anchor was weighed. Ilkar joined Hirad at the rail to watch Herendeneth slip

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