Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,187

on his mind that he promised to send the Kaan home?’

‘That’ll have to wait.’ It was Ilkar, propping himself up on his elbows, his expression one of deep concern. ‘She’s gone. My contact. She’s just not there.’


Ilkar nodded. ‘Gods falling, Hirad, this is terrifying. Every moment that passes, more die. We’ve got to stop it.’

‘We’ll do it, Ilks,’ said Hirad. ‘I swear. We’ll have to ride to find Rebraal. It’s the only choice we’ve got, isn’t it?’

‘Where are the Al-Arynaar based?’ asked Darrick.

‘South-east of Xetesk,’ said Ilkar. ‘We’ll have to ride across the lines to get to them.’

‘Well, no time like now,’ said Hirad, getting up and tipping the rest of his stew onto the fire. ‘At least I can avoid eating that dung disguised as vegetables.’

Beside The Unknown, Aeb had already strapped his weapons over his back and was donning the riding cloak Darrick had given him.

‘All right to ride?’ asked the big warrior.

‘Yes,’ said Aeb. ‘Fighting will be sore but not impossible.’

The Unknown nodded. ‘Thank you, Aeb. For everything.’

‘It is my calling to protect,’ he said simply. ‘Saving Ilkar and Ren protects you.’

‘Look!’ said Thraun suddenly.

The Unknown turned. The shapechanger, his sharp eyes focussed east, was pointing into the distance. Though the mist still clung to the bottom of the valley, further off it had burned away to a beautiful clear sunlit morning. Far away, where they knew Xetesk to be, they could see the faint lights of hundreds of spells in the sky. A pall of smoke was rising and they could imagine all too easily the suffering beneath.

The assault on the Dark College had begun.

The ease with which the TaiGethen and he escaped Xetesk would have worried the old Yron. They simply scaled the western walls of the city and dropped into open ground, hurrying away under the shroud of night. Once clear of immediate pursuit, Merke had stopped to attend to his crossbow wound, removing the bolt, applying a dried herb pack and tying it down with a tough bandage. It served to ease the pain of the puncture in the muscle at the front of his thigh but didn’t do a great deal to staunch the blood as he trotted along behind the Tai cell.

They were heading south-east as dawn touched the sky, looking to clear the college lines before joining up with the rest of the elven army. Yron had very mixed feelings about it all. While he was glad to have returned the thumb to its rightful owners, it was abundantly clear that neither Merke nor her largely silent companions had any idea who he was. This Auum, whoever he turned out to be, might have a much better idea. And if that was so, he could look forward to nothing but death, which by turn he felt he deserved and was equally sure he didn’t. Funny old world.

Moving across open ground and making for one of the few surviving forest areas five miles south of Xetesk, they were seen by a group of twenty riders galloping across the tufted muddy plain crossed by a lattice of narrow streams. The horsemen had been heading north but turned when they saw the TaiGethen, moving to intercept. Immediately, the Tai unslung bows.

‘Leave it to me,’ said Yron. ‘They could be friends.’

‘They could be Xeteskians,’ said Merke evenly.

‘They don’t have the look,’ said Yron.

‘We will be ready.’

‘I don’t doubt it.’

Yron faced the riders, the elves standing behind him in a loose group, bows pointing to the ground. The horsemen came to an orderly halt, one man trotting a little further forward. He took in Yron and the elven trio. Their faces were still covered in deep brown and green paint, having had no chance to clean them under prayer.

‘Hunting?’ said the rider abruptly.

‘Escaping,’ said Yron, knowing immediately they were not Xeteskians. ‘Xetesk is an unpleasant place.’

‘We are in accord there,’ said the rider. He was a black-haired man, youngish, with heavy brows and a hard face. Yron didn’t like him. ‘Tell me your purpose.’

‘It isn’t my way to state my business to total strangers,’ said Yron. ‘Perhaps you’d like to tell me who I am addressing.’

‘My name is Devun and these are men from the army of the righteous. We are the vanguard of thousands.’

Yron cursed under his breath. Black Wings. Not promising.

‘Pleased to make your acquaintance, Devun. Now I would ask you to move aside and let us continue. My friends and I have pressing matters away from your battles with the colleges.’

‘Not so

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