Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,143

I for one am worried because Denser knows me and The Raven are after us. And I want to know why he said what he said. And before you smirk, think on this. The Raven don’t fight for money any more; they don’t need to. They fight only when they believe they have to. And they never give up until they’ve completed their task. Never. It tells me that what we’ve started is bigger than Dystran would have us believe. If I’m going to be a target, I want to find out why and I strongly advise you to do the same.’

‘You’re scared of them, aren’t you?’ said Erys, apparently surprised by his own statement.

‘Bloody right I am. But I’m also worried about the elves. We don’t know why The Raven went to Calaius but they’ve ended up allies with the elves. Think about it, Erys. The Circle Seven will. Don’t make yourself look a fool in front of them. Not after what you’ve achieved here.’

Erys nodded but said nothing, his expression thoughtful. Yron walked away towards the bow of the ship, his anxiety growing now he had given it voice. He looked over the rail down into the frothing bow wave. Thirty yards off the beam, dolphins tracked their progress, sleek bodies sliding effortlessly through the waves.

He understood Erys’s scepticism. The Raven were after all only a tiny band. But, as had been remarked upon countless times and even noted by students of warfare, The Raven alone or as part of something larger made things happen the way they wanted them to. Erys hadn’t seen them in action but Yron had. And he knew what would happen if he ever faced them, sword in hand. He’d die.

Chapter 34

By the time The Raven left the Shorth Estuary and put to sea they were three full days behind the Xeteskians. The Calaian Sun would make up some of that time but, with the best will in the world, they would reach Balaia at least a day and a half adrift.

However, the enforced inactivity was not without its benefits and The Raven had time to rest, heal, train and talk. But any thoughts that the elves travelling with them would thaw in their attitude were consigned quickly to the desert of dreams.

True, they sparred with the Al-Arynaar on deck, but their opponents were reluctant and there only because Rebraal had told them to be. But the six ClawBound pairs and ten TaiGethen cells who had come tentatively aboard with the thirty-eight fully fit Al-Arynaar were not so much aloof as invisible. They exercised at night, ate in their bunks and refused The Raven’s offers of discussions on tactics. Hirad was minded to let them stew and was insulted at their lack of gratitude. The Unknown, however, was more circumspect and ensured Rebraal was present early one morning when The Raven spoke about the days to come, knowing he would report back.

‘We’ve got to do this right,’ said The Unknown. ‘From mooring to travelling, to negotiating, to—’

‘Negotiating?’ said Hirad, as if he’d just popped rotten fruit in his mouth.

‘Yes, Hirad, negotiating,’ repeated The Unknown. ‘You may be happy taking on the considerable might of Xetesk but I’m certainly not.’

The Raven and Rebraal were in the Captain’s room, sitting round a table covered with plates and goblets. A steaming jug of herb tea rested against the raised lip by Denser’s right hand. Aeb was in a room forward, bathing his face and talking to his brothers in the Soul Tank.

‘So, your plan is for us to walk up to the gates of Xetesk and ask for the thumb back.’

‘In a nutshell, yes,’ said The Unknown. ‘You have an alternative?’

‘Not necessarily, Unknown,’ said Hirad, ‘but I think you’re being misty-eyed about Xetesk’s motives for wanting all the stuff they stole. It’s hardly going to be so they can enhance their relations with the elven nation, is it? They are at war and they want all the advantages they can get.’

‘I understand that but I can’t believe they knew what they’d be unleashing by taking the thumb. Surely they’ll just hand it straight back. Even if they do want to dominate Balaia, there’s no reason to exterminate the elven race.’

‘But look what they did to get it,’ said Ilkar. ‘We have to ask the question, could they have known? And so was the theft deliberate?’

They all looked at Rebraal. Ilkar repeated the question in elvish and waited for the reply, his brother not yet confident enough

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