Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,133

Auum, leader of the TaiGethen. You don’t want to know what he was saying to you.’

Hirad shrugged. ‘No, I don’t. What I do want to know is, where are the runners?’

Ilkar put the question to Rebraal.

‘They’ve caught and killed another two groups of warriors further into the forest. That’s eleven men down altogether. There are others apparently on both banks but they haven’t a bead on any of them. This side, Auum says the strangers are travelling under magical obscurement of some kind. On the other, there’s someone he apparently respects for his forest skill but wants to skin for killing a ClawBound pair. Their guess is that both sets of men are close. More TaiGethen are crossing the river now. We shouldn’t have to wait too long.’

But they did. All the rest of that day and on into the night. It was a very uncomfortable vigil. They had no relief, they had no time to eat anything other than dried meat and they had to ignore the inevitable host of insects as best they could. In the heat, humidity and rain it was a test of stamina and endurance. The TaiGethen and ClawBound were combing the forest but had so far found nothing.

Leaving Thraun, Ren, Aeb and Rebraal watching in all directions as the light faded to nothing, The Raven talked.

‘It’ll happen under cover of darkness,’ said Darrick.

‘No reason why,’ said Ilkar. ‘They’ll know elves see just as well now as in daylight.’

Darrick tapped his head. ‘The reasons are all up here. Remember, they’re scared and tired. They want every advantage, real or perceived. ’

‘Think they’re in contact with this lot ahead?’ asked Hirad.

‘Impossible to say,’ said Darrick.

‘I doubt it,’ said Denser. ‘Communion’s a spell their mages can’t afford. It’s draining at the best of times. And thinking about how we were all beginning to feel just coping with the insect bites . . .’ He shrugged.

‘He’s right,’ said Ilkar. ‘And don’t forget, we’ve got one group apparently under some kind of moving illusion that’s good enough to confuse elves and panthers. That’s going to be one impressive spell.’

‘Why don’t they just come straight in?’ asked Erienne. ‘I mean, if that spell is so good, why are they worrying? Just wander up to the line and be safe.’

‘Good point, but I suspect it’s the terrain,’ said Darrick. ‘Splashing through that swamp will be like ringing warning bells, hidden by illusion or not.’

‘Right,’ said The Unknown. ‘Here’s what I suggest now.’

But he didn’t have time to impart his idea because, a hundred yards to their right, the swamp exploded into life. Footsteps rushed headlong through water, plumes of spray scattering in all directions. There was the deeper splash of thigh-deep water and, from the lines ahead, the odd voice raised in encouragement.

‘Raven!’ roared Hirad. ‘Raven with me!’

Hirad led The Raven out of cover, heading for their holding position on the left flank.

‘HardShield up,’ said Ilkar.

‘SpellShield active,’ said Erienne.

‘Keep watching that left flank,’ warned The Unknown.

‘On it,’ said Darrick.

‘Denser, we need that illusion pierced,’ said Hirad.

‘Way ahead of you,’ said the Xeteskian.

The Raven plunged into the swamp shallows, keeping their arc line as best they could in the heavy vegetation at its edge. Behind the hidden runners, the Al-Arynaar and TaiGethen were coming. The moon broke through the clouds, giving the swamp and forest an eerie luminescence; a multiple wailing pierced the air and Hirad saw the glint of metal in the sky. A panther roared, its voice taken up by a dozen more.

Denser came to a sudden stop, uttered a command word and shoved his arms out sharply. His ForceCone hammered away into the night, slapping into the roiling area of swamp where the runners had to be. Suddenly, men were visible, sprawling in the water, dragging themselves back to their feet. It hadn’t been an illusion. Some sort of multiple target CloakedWalk. But now it was gone and that was all the TaiGethen needed. With extraordinary speed, three of them cut through the swamp almost as if they were skating across the surface of the water. Blades glittered in the moonlight.

The shouts from the estuary entrance became louder and more urgent. The thrum of bowstrings was plain. Arrows arced across the sky, falling behind the runners, slicing into the swamp waters. After them came FlameOrbs, four pairs, their orange glows like dying suns, throwing shadows into sharp relief and lighting up the faces of the TaiGethen, who scattered instantly.

‘Ward!’ shouted Denser.

The Raven stilled. FlameOrbs spattered down on them, fizzing

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