Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,116

pressure Xetesk to the negotiating table. I will be telling Dystran the same.’

‘Of course, I respect your wishes,’ said Vuldaroq, and Heryst could see the gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

‘Do not betray this. I will be seeking assurances you will not use this goodwill to advance the conflict.’

Vuldaroq held up his hands. ‘Heryst, please.’

‘Good. I suggest we break and let our respective teams discuss my proposals. We can reconvene later to iron out points of difference.’

An urgent knocking on the door was followed by two of Heryst’s mages running in.

‘Excuse the interruption, my Lords,’ said one, a young mage named Darrow. ‘I have grave news.’

He looked over to Vuldaroq. Heryst waved him on.

‘He will hear it anyway, best first-hand from you.’

‘Kayvel has contacted us,’ said Darrow. ‘As you know, Rusau travelled with a Xeteskian force riding to engage the Dordovans at the Dord crossing. It seems he was caught in the middle of the conflict. I’m sorry, my Lord, but he was killed.’

Heryst closed his eyes. He had feared this. He took a deep breath before speaking.

‘How did it happen?’

‘The story we have heard from Dordovans in the field was that he was killed by a Xeteskian pikeman.’

Heryst dashed his glass into the fireplace. Liquid hissed and spat. He fought to regain control but his mind churned and his pulse ran high.

‘He was a diplomat. A neutral,’ he said, hardly able to get the words out.

‘Yes, my Lord.’

‘He was also my friend.’ Heryst put his head in his hands for a moment. ‘Are you sure the reports are true?’

‘That he’s dead?’ asked Darrow.

‘No,’ snapped Heryst. ‘That he died the way it is told.’

‘As sure as we can be. He was caught in the battle. In the centre of the line. He was in the way and Xetesk removed him.’ Darrow shrugged.

‘But could it have been an accident? Battle is confused,’ said Heryst. ‘You understand I have to be sure. Could it have been a Dordovan pike?’

Darrow shook his head. ‘No, my Lord. The picture is reasonably clear. A Xeteskian pike was driven through his body from the back. The battle continued. Xetesk pushed Dordover back across the river and their forces are now guarding the whole stretch and apparently sending more patrols out to secure their entire border with Dordover. ’

Heryst looked across at Vuldaroq, whose expression of sorrow appeared genuine enough, but the Lysternan knew that somewhere in that mind of his he was smiling at the news.

‘And what have we heard from Xetesk?’ he asked.

‘Denials, as you would expect,’ said Darrow. ‘Kayvel has spoken to the rest of our delegation there and they aren’t under any duress or arrest but the story they are relaying just doesn’t have quite the ring of truth about it.’

‘And what is it?’ Heryst straightened.

‘That the Xeteskian commander was trying to get Rusau out of the battle and didn’t make it before his horse threw him and he landed on a pike.’

‘Pure fantasy,’ muttered Vuldaroq. ‘I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Heryst, but it casts new light on what we have just been discussing, does it not?’

Heryst held up a hand to silence the Dordovan Arch Mage. ‘Don’t you dare try to put pressure on me, Vuldaroq. At the moment I am not interested in what you think. Perhaps you would grant me the favour of leaving me for a moment.’

Vuldaroq nodded and rose. Heryst watched him go.

‘This changes nothing as far as Dordover is concerned,’ he said to Darrow. ‘You will continue negotiation as if this desperate event hadn’t happened. Do you understand?’

‘Yes, my Lord, but—’

‘But nothing, Darrow,’ said Heryst, keeping his voice quiet. ‘I do not trust Dordover any more than I trust Xetesk and I suggest you take my lead. I want to leave to return to Lystern tomorrow, so the pressure is on you. There, we will find the truth of this. All I will say is that it must hasten our deployment of forces.

‘Damn you, Darrick, where are you when I need you most?’

Chapter 28

‘Ow! Dammit!’ shouted Darrick, jerking his leg at the sudden flare of pain. ‘That hurt.’

‘I’m really sorry, Darrick, but they won’t be persuaded out with softly spoken words,’ said Ilkar. ‘Now keep still, you broke my concentration.’

‘Feels like you broke my leg.’

‘Well, I can leave them in there if you’d prefer,’ said Ilkar, meeting the Lysternan’s gaze in the firelight.

Darrick shook his head. ‘What on earth possessed me to join you lot?’

‘The glory and excitement,’ said The Unknown.


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