Elementary Romantic Calculus (Chemistry Lessons #6) - Susannah Nix Page 0,92

wonderful idea, and I wish you both the best of luck.” Mia directed an approving look at Antonio, who she was pleased to see taking on a leadership role and embracing his interest in STEM. “I’m honored you’d ask me to be a part of it, and I’d love to say yes, but I’m only a visiting lecturer. I don’t think I’m allowed to sponsor a student organization.”

She wasn’t entirely sure, to be honest. Some schools allowed visiting professors to take on extracurricular advisory roles and some didn’t. She couldn’t remember if it had been covered in her orientation sessions, and she hadn’t actually looked it up in the faculty handbook. But it seemed like a gentle way of letting Madison down.

“I wondered the same thing,” Madison said brightly. “I already checked with the Student Activities Office and they said you’re allowed to act as an auxiliary advisor as long as we also have a full-time faculty member as our primary advisor. Which Dr. Hussain in comp sci has already agreed to do. So you’re fine.”

Leave it to Madison to think of everything. As Mia looked into her two students’ hopeful faces, it struck her what an odd team they made. But also an oddly perfect one.

The Madisons of the world were a force to be reckoned with. If you could get enough of them together and harness the force of their color-coded to-do lists, aggressive optimism, and unflagging confidence, they could probably solve world peace in a matter of days.

Someone like Madison could do a lot for someone as shy as Antonio. But Mia had no doubt Antonio had plenty to offer in return. His maturity, reliability, and determination would be an asset to anyone, but a little of his empathy and humility might help temper some of Madison’s sharper edges.

“What do you say, Dr. B?” Antonio tilted his head. “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

“The thing is…” Mia hesitated. “I’m only here on a one-year contract.” She tried to avoid looking at Antonio, but his disappointment was palpable even in her peripheral vision.

“But—” Madison frowned as her unswerving optimism hit a wall of hard reality. “That doesn’t mean you’ll be leaving for sure at the end of the year, does it? Isn’t there a chance they’ll renew your contract?”

“Well…” Mia searched for a diplomatic answer. “They could offer me another year, but it’s far from certain. But even if they did…I’m not sure I’ll be able to accept.” As she said the words, she felt Antonio’s gaze on her with discomfort. Although they’d never spoken of it, he’d seen her at the farm enough to know about her relationship with Josh. She could only imagine what he must be thinking.

“Oh.” Madison’s lips pressed together. “I see.” She fell silent for a moment before her persistence kicked in again. “But you’ll be here through the end of the school year, right? You can still act as an advisor until then.”

“I could, yes.” Mia spoke slowly. “But it might be better for you to find someone else who’s able to stick it out with you over the long haul, instead of having to start over with someone new next year.”

“We don’t care about that,” Antonio said, lifting his chin stubbornly. “We’ll take you for as long as we can get you.” He cast a glance at Madison. “Right?”

“Absolutely.” Madison’s head bobbed, causing her neat ponytail to bounce. “We’d still love your input—if you’re willing, that is.”

“In that case,” Mia said, smiling as a warm feeling filled her chest, “how can I say no?”

Josh: How’s your day going? Feeling any better?

Mia: A little better, but still not great.

Josh: Do you want me to bring you anything? I could come over tonight.

Mia rubbed her chest as she stared at her phone’s screen, weighing her answer. She and Josh hadn’t seen much of each other the last week. Her period was ostensibly to blame, although she knew he was happy enough to hang out even without the prospect of getting laid. Last month he’d brought her chocolate-covered pretzels and rubbed her back, patiently listening to her whine about the unfairness of biology while she clutched a hot water bottle to her wretched abdomen.

She could seriously use some of that TLC about now, but guilt kept her from begging for the company she desperately longed for. Distance felt like the safer choice for both of them.

Mia: Thanks, but I’ll probably just go to bed early. I’d be terrible company anyway.

Josh: OK. Feel better.

And then,

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