Elementary Romantic Calculus (Chemistry Lessons #6) - Susannah Nix Page 0,41

she needed was to go losing her head over some emotionally unavailable cowboy. He was a complication she didn’t want right now.

Except she did want him. In her bed, in her life, or just in front of her face as much as possible. Which was probably why she’d begun bouncing on her toes as he made his way toward them.

He looked uneasy as he ducked through the crowd, but when he reached them he flashed a smile that banished all the shadows. The warmth in his expression was unexpected, especially after their last encounter. Mia could almost believe he was happy to see her.

“You made it!” Andie threw her arms around Josh’s neck and whispered something in his ear before letting him go.

Whatever she said made him grimace a little, but his smile came back as he turned to greet Mia with a nod of his head. “Hey.”

She returned his understated greeting, secretly wishing he was more of a hugger like Wyatt. She sure wouldn’t mind feeling those arms around her. Or getting a sniff of his hair.

Oh no, things were definitely bad if she was fantasizing about the smell of his hair.

“Here, have a beer.” Andie thrust their last bottle into her brother’s hand. “I’m going to go get us some more.”

And then she was gone, leaving Mia alone with Josh.

He uncapped his beer and tipped the bottle to his lips. Mia’s mouth went dry as she watched his Adam’s apple bob.

“You look nice tonight,” he said, letting his gaze travel downward.

“Thanks.” She’d worn a thin sundress, which sweat had long since plastered to her body. But if the look in Josh’s eyes was any indication, he didn’t mind a bit.

They stared at one another as the band played the final bars of “Go Your Own Way.” There was a smattering of applause and Mia joined in, turning her gaze toward the stage. After a second Josh followed suit.

Wyatt thanked the audience and introduced himself and the other members of Shiny Heathens. As he was going through his patter, his gaze lit on Josh and he raised his hand in a friendly greeting.

When they launched into The Killers’ “Mr. Brightside,” Josh leaned over to speak in Mia’s ear. The feel of his breath on the side of her face raised goose bumps on her arms despite the heat. “Are you enjoying the show?”

She turned to look at him, appreciating the fact that their eyes were on the same level. “Yes. I had no idea Wyatt was in a band.”

Josh’s extremely lickable lips pressed into a wry expression. “Like a lot of things Wyatt does, it started out as a way to get girls.”

“Why aren’t you up there with him?” she asked teasingly. She’d assumed Josh would never in a million years set foot on a stage, so his response took her by surprise.

“I used to be. I was one of the founding members, in fact.”

Her jaw dropped. “You’re kidding.” He was so dry sometimes, it was hard to tell, but he didn’t look like he was joking.

“I was the lead singer before Wyatt.” He winced slightly. “And I’m the one who came up with the name.”

“So why aren’t you up there with them?” She’d give anything to hear him sing. With that deep voice of his like a warm, velvety blanket, it was guaranteed to be sexy. Heat pulsed between her legs just thinking about it.

Josh shrugged and stared down at his beer. “I quit when I left for A&M. The rest of the guys stayed here and kept the band going in their spare time.”

“But you’re back now. Why not rejoin? They’d take you, wouldn’t they?”

“Probably.” His mouth had pulled into a tight line. “But it’s not something I’m interested in doing anymore.”

“Why not?”

He gave another shrug. “I don’t have time with all my other responsibilities.”

“Andie told me you don’t like to go out. She called you a recluse, actually.” Mia hoped she wasn’t getting her new friend in trouble by saying that, but she suspected Andie had said as much to her brother’s face before—and more, probably. In typical sibling fashion, she didn’t seem to pull her punches with him.

Josh shook his head, frowning a little. “The farm’s a twenty-four hour a day responsibility. She knows that, but she could never get on board with it.”

“She told me that too.” Mia felt obligated to stick up for Andie, but also she couldn’t help needling Josh. “She said you like having an excuse to keep to yourself.”

His lips

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