The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,93

can she be doing this? And ‘straddling both worlds’? I don’t understand.”

“One of our biggest concerns for her future role was that she would have to abide by the same rules as the Triumvirate, right? She would have to spend more time in Otherworld than here? And given she is being born like a regular human from largely human parents, albeit immortal ones with powers, who knows if she can even cross the veil with ease. Well, I think maybe she’s creating a loophole,” Max explained.

“A loophole,” Ryker repeated, wheels clearly spinning in his brain. “By creating this veil bubble, she will be born in both worlds and therefore able to live in both?” There was both worry and hope in his eyes.

Max shrugged, covering Ryker’s hands with her own. “I guess so. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Ryker finally grinned, his eyes lighting up with what could only be called pride. “Our daughter is a genius.”

Max grinned with him, giving him a moment of happiness before dropping her next bombshell on him. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

Ryker shrugged, “She’s already powerful?” he guessed.

“That she is,” Max agreed, her body tensing up for another contraction. “But I meant in terms of her delivery. You’re going to have to do it.”

Chapter Nine

Ryker went so still he was sure even the blood in his veins stopped moving. Him? Deliver a baby? And not just any baby? His baby. “Nope. No way. That is not happening, Max. You just tell her to wait or to drop her bubble or something.” He knew he sounded like a moron, but he couldn’t help it. Max clearly thought he sounded like one too, because she glared at him through red hair fast becoming slick with sweat.

“I don’t think she’s listening to either one of us, Ryker,” Max said through gritted teeth, before slumping back against the pillows.

“Max, I’m sorry. I really am. I’m not trying to make this harder than it already is. But I can’t do this,” Ryker ended on a whisper, pushing the hair back from Max’s forehead.

Max searched his face for a moment before sighing. “You’re really scared,” she noted.

“Babe, I am bone-deep, piss my pants terrified.” He wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

Max smiled at him, “You know, that makes me feel better. I feel better knowing you’re more scared than I am.”

Ryker chuckled darkly. “Really? I’m glad to help any way I can. But I gotta say, it should not be a comfort that the man who has to catch your baby is about to hyperventilate.”

“You’ve always been a comfort to me. From the very first time we met, with you lurking in the shadows of your kitchen and telling me I looked like shit,” Max told him.

Ryker shook his head. “I was scared then too. Scared of the way my body reacted to yours. Scared of the way I wanted to touch you and keep you safe. I was scared of what you represented, even in my repressed state.”

Max reached out and touched his face lightly with her fingertips. “What did I represent?”

“My future,” he responded with simply eloquence. “I didn’t want a reason to come out of the dark hole I had buried myself in. But I knew, just from one look at you, that you were my future.”

“And now we’ve created a new future together,” Max said, linking her fingers with Ryker’s and placing them over her stomach. “So, how about you help get her out?”

Ryker blew out a sharp breath, feeling his daughter move under Max’s very tight abdomen. There was no doubt his baby wanted out and she wanted out now. There was not going to be any Great Mother or Order running to the rescue. The sooner he accepted that, the sooner he could be there for Max and his child. “Okay. I’m going to boil water and get some towels and the sheets off the bed.”

“Boil water?” Max looked amused as she raised her eyebrows.

“Hey, I may not be immersed in human society, but I’ve watched my fair share of movies. Boiling water is always integral to an impromptu birth.” He winked at Max, telling her to call for him if she needed him.

He then went to the small kitchenette and filled up the kettle, turning it on. Next, he got a few bottles of cold water out of the fridge and checked the freezer. He was relieved to find ice cube trays already filled and frozen, so he tipped the cubes Copyright 2016 - 2024