The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,8

fingered the material of her emerald green blouse before smoothing her hands over her dark jeans. She had chosen the outfit because it was so different from what she usually wore in Otherworld. There, she was known to wear flowing gowns and robes and go barefoot. Yes, it was a little cliché, but it was also very comfortable and practical. On this side though, she could admit to liking the trend that was skinny jeans or leggings and loose, flowing shirts. As such, whenever she could, she crafted such clothes in varying colours and designs. One of the habits she brought with her from Otherworld, however, was going barefoot. She had a mental need, as well as a physical one, to be close to nature. Having some part of her skin being in contact with nature at all times fulfilled that need. Even as she walked, she could feel the heartbeat of the earth beneath her feet, and it gave her courage as well as comfort.

“You look great,” Aiden said, presently.

“I’m sorry, what?” Dana asked.

Aiden gestured to where she was still tugging on her shirt. “Your clothes; they’re fine. More than fine. That green brings out your eyes and those jeans make your legs look impossibly long – even though you’re a short-shit like Max.” He winked when he said the last part. “You look beautiful.”

“Oh, well … I … thank you,” she stuttered, feeling flustered.

Aidan laughed, the sound rich. “You really have no idea how appealing you are, do you? It’s one of the things that drew Mordecai to you in that bar all those years ago.”

Dana was unsure how to respond to that, because no – she had no idea how appealing she was as a woman because she had never had the opportunity to just be a woman. Other than for a few short hours long ago, that was. Shaking off her thoughts, she shored up her courage and was about to open the door to the gym when Aiden spoke once more.

“Dana …” Aiden began, waiting for her to pause and look at him. “Don’t let him heap all the blame on you, okay? He is a grown-arse man who has been making his own decisions – as well as his own successes and failures – for hundreds of years. His choice was his alone. You did not make him do anything. Remember that.”

Dana drew in a deep breath, “I shall try.”

Aiden nodded and Tobias added, “Oh, and Dana? Feel free to remind him of that fact too, huh?”

Dana cast them a wry look. “I may be the Great Mother, but even I cannot combat male stubbornness.”

She heard them laughing as they followed her at a discreet distance, stopping with the other two members of their Order off to the side. Dana continued on, but soon found herself rooted to the spot when her eyes landed on Mordecai. He was stripped from the waist up, his muscled torso glistening with sweat as he beat the living hell out of a punching bag. Thankfully, he was wearing boxing gloves, otherwise she was sure his knuckles would have been torn to shreds due to the force he was exerting. Although the motivations behind his frenetic movements were troubling, Dana could not deny the result was pleasing.

“Are you just here to watch the show? Or did you have something to say?” Mordecai asked, pausing in his punches but not turning around.

Dana kept her mouth shut, wanting to see his face when they had their first real conversation. The stubborn man kept his back to her, shaking his head and muttering to himself when she continued to stand in silence. His back expanded as he dragged in a couple of deep breaths and Dana found her eyes tracking several rivulets of sweat as they ran down his spine and into the waistband of his low-riding trackpants. Her eyes were the only part of her that moved when he abruptly spun around and she found herself following the dark line of hair that sprouted from his groin and made a delightful path up to his bellybutton. His corrugated stomach moved in time with his still harsh breathing and his pecs flexed as he shook out his arms and hands. Overall, Dana thought – mouth completely dry – Mordecai was supremely male.

Mordecai must have realised the direction of her thoughts because he became still, those cold green eyes narrowing on her even as tension began to rise – and not the usual Copyright 2016 - 2024