The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,77

father called to say they were on the way.”

“They called?” Mac repeated. Her parents never called. They just showed up. “That’s weird.”

Ryker shrugged, clearly unconcerned. He pulled on his boots and laced them up. “Maybe your father is starting to respect my boundaries.”

Max snorted, “Yeah. I’m sure that’s it.”

Ryker grinned at her, and she knew he had been joking. Holding out his hand for her to take, he helped her from the room. “Come on. Let’s go find out what they want.”

Max shivered again, a quick glance behind her showing another cloud covering the sun. It’s an omen, she thought, sure of it now. But she held her tongue – and Ryker’s hand tighter – as she went to see her parents.

Chapter Two

Ryker thought it was a little off that Dana and Mordecai had announced their visit rather than just showing up, but he didn’t think on it too much because he was just too damned content. He had the love of his life holding his hand and his daughter was nestled all safe and happy inside her mother’s womb. As he walked into the kitchen, he found all six of his knights there, and about half of their lovers. Despite the fact Cali and Axel had moved out of the main house and made new homes for their families in the cabins on the property, they still ate most of their meals there. Ryker didn’t mind. In fact, he loved it. He had made it clear that his home would always be a home for his entire Order, and he had an open-door policy any time of the day or night. It was nice to see Dex and Cali have space for Maxwell – who was growing like a weed and now seven months old and just starting to crawl. Likewise, for Axel and Celeste with Spiro. Dex’s three paladins had taken up residence in the third cabin and Ryker had enjoyed getting to know the three men better over the past few weeks. The fourth cabin remained empty at this stage, even though it had been earmarked for Lark and Ivy.

When they had first spoken of building more cabins, Max had offered each member one of their own. It made sense that those with kids move out, but it hadn’t been mandatory. Dex and Cali, as well as Axel and Celeste had graciously agreed. Some of the others, on the other hand, had declined stubbornly. Darius had been very blunt when he had informed Max he would not be leaving – even if it was just metres away. He and Diana would stay in their extended rooms quite happily. Beyden and Jasminka had likewise refused to leave, though, Jazz had a bedroom at her clinic in HQ if it was ever required. Lark and Ivy had been happy to stay on in the house as well. That was, until Max dropped her bombshell on them. Ryker smiled to himself, recalling Max’s words.

“That cabin is for you, Lark. Trust me, Ivy is going to be a baby-making machine and you guys will need the privacy as well as the space for all those cots.”

Ivy had been suitably horrified and since then, had steadfastly refused to move into the cabin. Ryker couldn’t be happier for them. For all of them, including himself. Shuffling Max to a seat next to Dex so she could coo over Maxwell seated in his highchair, Ryker went and put some bread in the toaster and made Max a hot Milo. Max smiled at him in thanks when he handed it to her, but it was in an absent way. He began to ask her if anything was wrong when he heard the toast pop. Zombie’s ears pricked up – one of them at least. Despite being fully grown, one of his ears refused to stand upright and was still soft and floppy. The other was ruler-straight though, causing the lopsided, bi-coloured, stripy, spotty dog to look even cuter in Ryker’s estimation. Not that he told the dog that. Zombie got up from his position under the dining room table and looked at Ryker hopefully. Ryker shook his head, telling the dog a firm “no”. Zombie whined pitifully before retreating to Ivy, who glared at Ryker for being mean and proceeded to scratch Zombie’s tummy until he forgot all about the toast.

Ignoring the damn dog and leaving his woman to the tender mercies of their Order for the time being – they were all fighting over Copyright 2016 - 2024