The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,75

but still he obeyed, and Max kissed him lazily for a delicious few minutes.

It was a Sunday morning, later than they would usually linger in bed, but there was nothing pressing on the schedule and her Order had things well in hand anyway. She now only had a little over four weeks to go before she could hold her daughter in her arms and she was getting impatient. Both to be able to kiss her and cuddle her, and also because she felt huge. She hadn’t been able to see her feet in weeks, nor shave her legs. Which meant, who knows what was going on between her legs. Not that it mattered, Max thought. Ryker had put a stop to their lovemaking a good six weeks ago. He was simply too aware his kid was in her belly. Max thought he was hysterical, but she couldn’t blame him really. Their daughter moved a lot. Max patted her stomach, only to get a solid nudge in return. She sighed, the sound filled with happiness and contentment. She was in bed with the man of her dreams as he sang to their unborn daughter and promised her the world. What more could she ask for?

Everything was perfect.

Just then, a cloud obscured the sun, causing the sky to darken and their room to dim. Max felt a shiver go through her body and she frowned, her gaze searching the horizon out the window. She rubbed her arms, trying to force the goosebumps away. “What was that?” she wondered.

“What was what?” Ryker asked, levering himself up to look at her. He followed her gaze out the window, watching as the cloud moved on and the bright sun returned. “You okay?”

Max nodded her head, feeling silly. She hadn’t had a vision or anything, but she still had a funny feeling that something was coming. She just hoped it wasn’t the baby, she thought, rubbing her hands over her tummy. She still had a few things to take care of before that happened. Making a mental note to see Jazz for a check-up that day, Max pushed the incident out of her mind. It was just a cloud, after all. Then she finally answered Ryker, “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about here. Your Sunshine is just fine too.”

Ryker had started referring to the baby as Sunshine when Max was around five months pregnant. Not only did he think the nickname was fitting for what his daughter would bring to them – pure sunshine, light, and love – but every now and then, Max’s stomach would heat up. Max hadn’t been at all concerned about it. Her baby only did it whenever she or Ryker patted her or talked to her. Ryker, of course, had flipped his shit when his hand had warmed up one night when they had been fooling around. Thinking about it now, Max realised that was the exact moment Ryker had put a hiatus on their sex life. Jazz and Max’s mother had checked the baby out and assured them there was nothing wrong. Max herself had done a little snooping around with her own special sight and found her daughter’s body and soul to be perfectly healthy. For some reason, she just liked to light up like the sun whenever her mummy or daddy talked to her. Max had no problem with that, and Ryker had thus, bestowed the nickname Sunshine. It had stuck, and most of her family now greeted her tummy with ‘hello Sunshine’ whenever they saw her.

“Are you sure?” Ryker pressed, placing his palm over Max’s forehead.

Max allowed it, smiling in reassurance. “I am positive. All good here. What are the plans for today?”

Ryker rearranged himself – and Max – so he was spooning her from the side, every part of his hard, muscled body touching hers. “My plans consist mainly of this.”

“Hmm, I like your plan,” Max agreed. Then, figuring it was worth a shot, she grabbed his hand and moulded it to her very full breast. “You know what would be a better plan?”

Ryker groaned, his warm breath tickling the back of her neck as he burrowed his head there. He squeezed her breast, causing Max to gasp and arch because she was super sensitive. “Max, stop being naughty,” Ryker complained – but he didn’t remove his hand.

Max smiled and began to think her plans of seduction were working for once when Ryker nibbled on her earlobe. She could feel his hardness pressing into her backside Copyright 2016 - 2024