The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,68

where Knox had been standing, noting the perfect angle it had of her and the lounger and her position sandwiched between two men. “I like both,” she then answered, “A lot. The last month has been one of the happiest of my life, and I think it’s because I was with Knox.”

“Then go after him,” Reid urged.

Dawn began twirling her hair around her finger in an agitated motion. “I don’t think he’ll listen. I mean, I made him go all other.”

“Then you make him listen,” Reid said. Watching her closely as he added, “That is, if you think he is worth it.”

Dawn didn’t even need to think about that. Casting her insecurities aside, she jumped up and headed for the door.

Chapter Nine

Knox didn’t stop until he reached the back of the bar. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, so it was only fitting his body was too. He had gone to visit Dawn alone, after convincing his paladins he was a big boy and could take care of himself while he dropped in to see his crush. He had been so excited, wondering if Dawn had thought about their shared kiss as much as he had. Only, his dreams had been crushed when he found her kissing another man. He had been too far away to hear what was being said, but there was no denying Dawn had voluntarily kissed Micah. He had been too stunned to move for a few minutes and then even more disbelieving when Reid came along, sat himself down, and Dawn had kissed him too. Knox had moved of his own accord – what he was intending to say he had no idea. But he was rendered speechless when he heard Dawn tell Reid very clearly that she loved him. His darker emotions had rushed to the surface and he had fled before he did anything stupid, like kill Micah and Reid.

“Whoa, what’s with the tornado?” Kane asked, looking concerned when Knox finally ceased the torrent of air around him.

Knox pushed past his son, storming up the stairs to his apartment. The bar had fully equipped living quarters above it, featuring three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and just one bathroom. It was tight quarters for him and his three boys, but they had managed to build a temporary wall in the dining room, effectively turning it into an extra bedroom. It meant everyone got their own space. Knox was happy there, grateful to have a roof over his head and a bed to sleep in every night. He had spent far too many nights on the unforgiving ground, surrounded by nothing but air. Which was why he damned well deserved better than a woman who cheated, he told himself. He swore when he felt his eyes turning black once more, and had to consciously rein in his temper.

“Dad? What’s the deal?” Kai rushed over to him.

“Do you need vitality?” Kellan then asked.

All three of them were now surrounding him, looking worried and trying in vain to access the Order link Knox had purposefully shut down. He didn’t need anyone else to see his humiliation. “I’m fine. I don’t need vitality,” he finally managed to respond.

“You are not fine. And you’re blocking us out. You promised you would never do that. You swore you would never let us think you left us again,” Kai’s voice was filled with hurt.

Knox cursed out loud, hating the anxiety he was causing. He knew his sons had real issues with abandonment. What Evangeline had planted the seeds for, his disappearance had sown. He cracked the link open a little before apologising. “I’m sorry. I’m just pissed off.”

“Did things not go well with Dawn?” Kane hazarded a guess.

Knox barked out a bitter laugh. “Not exactly. She’s sleeping with her Order.”

The triplets reared back as one. “What? Who?” Kane asked.

“Dawn,” Knox snarled. “She’s sleeping with Micah and Reid!” They all looked shocked and Knox couldn’t blame them. He was shocked too. But the hurt was quickly catching up.

“What?” Kellan yelled. “Where are you getting this? Dad, there’s no way.”

“I saw her,” Knox said, wearily now.

“You saw her having sex with Micah and Reid?” Kai was incredulous.

Knox huffed out a breath and began to pace. “No, I saw them kissing. She kissed them both. They were all smiling and laughing, all sitting together on the one chair.”

“Maybe you misinterpreted –” Kai began.

“I didn’t misinterpret anything,” Knox interrupted. “By the Great Mother, what a fool I’ve been. I thought she Copyright 2016 - 2024