The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,65

thought, before nodding. “I guess you’re right about that. Still, I hope she has more luck than I do when it comes to men. I have the absolute worst luck ever,” Dawn informed him.

Before getting to know her this past month, he would have said that was impossible. Dawn was amazing in every way. She was educated and intelligent, kind and compassionate, charming and funny, as well as physically beautiful. But he had learned that she was completely oblivious to her own appeal. She was also awkwardly adorable with her interactions with people. She was such a contradiction, and Knox, for one, found it irresistible.

“In what way? Come on, tell me a story,” Knox cajoled. “Otherwise I won’t believe you.”

Dawn narrowed her eyes, clearly thinking it over, before her shoulders relaxed and she said, “Okay. The last guy I attempted to have a relationship with didn’t want to have sex with me.”

Knox blinked slowly, sure he had heard wrong. “I’m sorry, what? Who wouldn’t want to have sex with you?”

Dawn huffed, “Someone with a very acute sense of smell, that’s who.”

Knox reared back, more than a little confused. “An acute sense of smell? What are you talking about? You smell amazing!”

“You think I smell good? You know what, don’t answer that. It hardly matters. This guy sure didn’t seem to think so,” Dawn muttered.

Knox leaned forward and took an experimental whiff. Dawn swatted at him but not before he caught her honey scent. He loved honey. “Just as I suspected. Honey.”

Dawn raised her eyebrows in surprise, “You think I smell like honey?”

Knox nodded enthusiastically, “Yes. And your personality is sweet like honey too. So, it matches,” he winked at her. Knox could tell Dawn thought he was joking, but he had never been more serious.

“Well, maybe I smell like honey ham,” Dawn allowed, making no sense whatsoever.

“Honey ham?” Knox asked. “It’s tasty to be sure, but I don’t see what it has to do with you.”

“Because!” Dawn suddenly yelled. “He told me my vagina smelled like ham!”

Knox stilled, absolutely positive he must have heard wrong. “Excuse me?”

Dawn glowered at him, “You heard me – my last lover told me vagina smelled like deli meat.”

Knox eyed the breathtaking beauty in front of him for a moment, before opening his mouth – only to be cut off before he could finish his sentence; “Can I –”

“No!” Dawn yelled.

“But –” Knox tried again.

“No! You cannot smell my vagina!” Dawn practically growled.

Knox grinned, “Why not? I happen to love ham.”

Dawn let out a thin scream, tugging on her chestnut locks in frustration. “This is a ridiculous conversation. Besides, it doesn’t smell like ham anyway. The guy was a moron.”

Knox smirked, “And how would you know?”

“Because I’ve spent a good many days contorted like a pretzel smelling my cooch like any self-respecting woman would do when her pussy was compared to a cut of meat from a pig!”

Knox and Dawn stared at each other for several moments before they both erupted into laughter. They laughed so hard that they leaned into one another for support, and Knox took full advantage, basking in Dawn’s non-ham-like scent and warm body. Completely breathless and with watery eyes, Knox pulled back. “Did he really say that?”

Dawn shook her head ruefully. “Unfortunately, yes. Like I said, I have the absolute worst luck with men.”

Knox tsked at her, “I’d say you’re hanging out with the wrong type of guys.”

Dawn snorted, “Oh? And who would be the right type?”

Knox looked Dawn dead in the eye, and said very clearly, “Me, of course.”

Dawn’s only response was to blink many times in quick succession.

“Dawn? Did you hear me?” he queried, feeling nerves pool in his stomach.

“I clearly heard you wrong,” Dawn finally replied.

“No, you didn’t. Me. I’m the right guy,” he repeated. At Dawn’s blank look, he rubbed his forehead in exasperation. “Come on, Dawn. Do you really not know?”

“Not know what?” Dawn was looking more and more confused.

Knox took a chance and reached out a hand, placing it on her knee. “Do you really not know how much I like you?”

Dawn looked from his hand to his face, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before she said, “You like me? As in …?”

Knox moved in a little closer, so he was speaking intimately. “I like you as a woman, Dawn. I like the way you talk to everyone as if they are equal. I like the way your hair shines with so many colours in the sun. I like the Copyright 2016 - 2024