The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,50

had already gone through two council mandated Orders, she had been sick of the title of ‘Life Warden’. At the time, her local council in London had taken it upon themselves to place the strongest life paladins with her – no matter that she didn’t like any of the men chosen. But after breaking two Orders within eighty years, the local council had thrown their hands up in the air and finally called in the IDC. Garret, Mordecai and Blu had attended her personally and did what they could to diffuse the situation. Even back then, she had been one of only a handful of female wardens attuned to life. Nobody had wanted to upset her further. In the end, it was Mordecai and Blu who had thankfully given her permission to create an Order of her choosing.

It had taken her less than a week to choose her childhood friend, Micah, as her Captain. He was a life paladin as well as a potentate. Piper, a paladin affiliated with death came next, followed by Willow and Reid. She caused a bit of a stir with those two because they were neither life nor death paladins – the typical balancing factors for life and death wardens. But Dawn had felt a natural and instinctive draw to the siblings and had asked them personally to join her Order. Willow as an earth paladin, and Reid as a water paladin, had been suitably shocked at the offer, but after a mere day they had agreed, both feeling the connection as well. It had been smooth sailing since then, and even though they respected her and her position, they did not fawn over her or smother her. Still, they were rather strict in making sure others showed her due respect. The way Knox had introduced himself had no doubt gone a long way with her Order.

“Look, here he comes. No need to worry yourself sick over something so silly,” Micah pointed out from behind her.

Turning, Dawn was struck by the loose-limbed gait of the chaden. He moved as if the air itself parted for him – which, it could very well do. Chadens were still very much enigmas. His dark hair was kind of long, waving behind him like a soft flag, and his grey eyes were lit up with merriment at something one of his sons said. Dawn took her time to study him some more as the four men made their way to them. Knox had a square jaw and a straight nose. He had more lines on his face than most wardens, but Dawn could not fault him for those. The last few decades of his life had been pure hell. Comparing his face to that of his identical sons, Dawn could easily see the resemblance, although his sons had none of the harshness in their visage nor countenance. Their lives had known grief but not the physical hardship of their father. They still looked young and baby-faced, gorgeous enough to be on a cover of a magazine. But, to her, their father was far more alluring.

Aiming for casual but in charge, Dawn stood up straight and plastered a smile on her face. “Good morning.”

Knox’s face froze for a moment, his eyes travelling over her features before he grinned, offering a wave to everyone assembled on the cliff. “Morning.”

Dawn stood in silence for a moment, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do with him. She knew Dana had thought he may be useful, but Dawn was yet to speak with the woman and question her. It was true, Dawn had a long list of things to see to. But she revelled in finally being useful to her people in a hands-on way. The idea of requiring aid for her responsibilities stung a little, but as she peeked at Knox’s aura, she saw a man who desperately wanted the same thing. He yearned for purpose and the chance to prove himself. Dawn felt he had already achieved both of those things, but as a perfectionist and an overachiever herself, she couldn’t fault him. So, it was with much greater enthusiasm that she welcomed him and formally introduced her paladins.

“Thank you for coming. I’m not sure if you have officially met my Order? This is Micah, my potentate, Piper, my second in command, Willow, and her brother Reid. We are the Order of Adalla.”

Knox’s smile was genuine as he said hello to everyone before introducing his own paladins. “Kai, Kane, and Copyright 2016 - 2024