The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,36

Dana to land on the mattress beside her. It had been one hell of an orgasm but that wasn’t what he was referring to. He looked over to the left and sure enough, the glass from the window was shattered. The sky outside was edging toward total darkness. It had been late afternoon when Dana had finished up her little tutorial but apparently, they had lost another couple of hours to their passion. The boom and the ‘hail’ he heard must have been the window blowing out and the sound of the glass falling to the floor. “The window is broken.”

“What?” Dana asked, peering over his shoulder at the mess of glass on the floor. “Oh dear. I think that was me,” Dana admitted, looking contrite and proud at the same time.

Mordecai couldn’t resist and kissed her once more, taking his time to pour his feelings into the gesture. He felt incredible, and he was smart enough to know that the woman he currently held in his arms was incredible as well. Pulling back, he grinned at her, “Your orgasm shattered the window.”

Dana cocked her head to the side, and she looked straight ahead in an absent way before she winced, her cheeks flushing with further colour. “Not just this window. Every window.”

Mordecai’s eyebrows shot up. “What do you mean every window?”

Dana chewed on her lower lip, admitting, “Every window in the building is broken.”

“Holy shit!” Mordecai exclaimed. “There’s got to be hundreds of windows in this place.” He paused, thinking about it for a moment, before deciding; “I am the man!”

Dana rolled her eyes and gave him a shove, “Yes, yes. You are very manly and virile.”

He couldn’t keep the smug look off his face even if he wanted to. Still, he cringed a little when he realised how much work it was going to take to get fixed. Not to mention what people were going to say about it. “I am never going to hear the end of this,” he shook his head.

“Fear not. You are with a goddess,” Dana winked at him before rising from the bed.

Her long, wavy red hair was a mess and she shook it back, exposing her full nakedness to his eyes once more. Raising her arms, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Mordecai felt the atmosphere change immediately. The air felt alive with energy, causing the hair on his arms to stand up. Looking around, he saw a rainbow mist swirl around the room almost playfully for a moment before it rushed to the pieces of broken glass, swooping them up and piecing them back together within the window frame. Similar mist rushed under the crack in the door and Mordecai watched in awe as the window was knitted back together in seconds.

“There. All fixed,” Dana dusted off her hands before she strolled over to the attached bathroom.

“All fixed?” Mordecai repeated stupidly.

Dana smiled. “All the windows are fixed. Perhaps nobody noticed, hmmm? Now, are you going to join me in the shower?”

Mordecai closed his mouth long enough to scramble from the bed and follow Dana into the bathroom. The powerfully magical display going to the back of his mind in favour of showering with a wet, naked goddess.

Chapter Twelve

The following morning, Dana lay where she was, content to watch Mordecai dress. He truly was a fine example of the male species. His body was well muscled and in complete proportion. She felt herself throb between the legs, remembering just how well-made he was in a certain department. Forgoing underwear and tucking himself into his dark slacks, he paused with his hand still on his dick. Dana raised her eyebrows, “Problem?”

“I really do tuck to the left. Just like you said,” he replied, eyes narrowing on her.

Dana felt her pulse kick up from the intensity in his gaze. He really was very predatory, she thought, shivering a little. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Just how closely have you watched me over the years?” he asked, stalking forward with his pants half zipped and chest still bare. “You’ve clearly watched me dress. Have you watched me shower?”

Dana pulled the covers up higher over her breasts to hide the effect his silky words were having on her nipples. She cleared her throat, “I might have … once or twice.”

“Hmmm,” Mordecai mumbled, placing a knee on the bed and looking down at her. “And have you watched me do this?” He reached into his slacks and pulled out his half-hard Copyright 2016 - 2024