The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,33

back. “You’re naked!” he pointed out stupidly.

Dana raised her eyebrows and looked down at herself. “Indeed I am. Is it not better to be naked for such things?”

Mordecai’s breath wheezed from his lungs as he took in the image before him; creamy, unblemished skin, full, heavy breasts with the palest of pink nipples – nipples that were already hard. Her waist flared appealingly and the neat thatch of hair between her toned legs was a mere single shade darker than the riotous red hair on her head. He wondered how drunk he must have been on that night all those years ago. Because he couldn’t remember seeing anything as beautiful in his whole life as Dana standing proud and unselfconsciously naked before him right then.

“How –” his voice broke. “How did you get naked so fast?”

“I am a goddess. I can pretty much do anything. I simply thought it,” Dana explained, shrugging negligently, and causing her breasts to move.

“You simply thought it.” Mordecai swallowed. He spent so much time thinking of Dana as the woman who had deprived him of time with his daughter, then the woman who wilfully ignored him, and finally simply as the woman he desired, that he had all but forgotten she was one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

“You seem perplexed,” Dana noted. “Should I … should I not be naked?” she then asked, looking a little unsure now.

“Naked is good!” he immediately shouted. “Especially on you. But I didn’t bring you here to have sex.”

Dana’s cheeks pinked. “Oh. I seem to have misread the situation.”

“I’m not complaining – don’t get me wrong,” Mordecai rushed on to say, unable to keep his eyes from the temptation standing in front of him. “But I don’t want you to think I was going to take advantage of you.”

Dana huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and plumping her tantalising breasts. “Perhaps I am long overdue to be taken advantage of.”

“It’s been a long time?” Mordecai asked, endlessly pleased with the thought.

“Only about fifty years or so,” came her dry response.

Mordecai stilled. “You haven’t slept with anyone since me?”

Dana looked away as she replied, “I haven’t been with anyone but you – ever.”

Mordecai literally felt his jaw drop, he was so stunned. “You were a virgin that night?”

Dana nodded once, still not looking at him.

“Oh, dear gods. I defiled Mother Nature!” he shouted, yanking on his hair as he began to pace.

Dana laughed, “It was a good defiling, never fear.”

Mordecai shook his head, “I sincerely doubt that. I was drunk off my arse, raw with the pain of death soaking into my very pores. Not to mention, I thought you had escaped from a mental asylum.”

“It was the best night of my life,” Dana assured him, voice soft. “Other than the night our daughter was born.”

The best night of her life? he thought, incredulous. He barely recalled anything other than having the most intense orgasm of his existence.

‘Well, don’t you think you need to make it up to her then?’ Aiden’s voice came through the Order link loud and clear.

Mordecai cursed his nosey knights, but he didn’t blame them for their interference. It was so natural to have the bond wide open, especially when he was out of their sight. He had entirely forgotten about how much he was sharing. He hastily turned away from a still very naked goddess so they could no longer see her with his eyes.

‘As if that will help. The image is permanently seared into my brain,’ Tobias informed him.

“I’m going to kill them all,” Mordecai vowed darkly. Dana’s chuckle washed over him like a physical caress, causing goosebumps to pop up everywhere and he slammed the door closed on the mental link that had been open for close to sixteen hundred years. Because as much as he hated to admit it, Aiden was correct. He had a lot to make up for. Mordecai slapped himself across the face mentally. Hard. Then he turned to the naked woman standing next to his bed.

“I can do better.”

Dana’s frown was one of puzzlement. “Do what better?”

He walked toward her, lifting his top off in the process. Her quick gasp had him smiling smugly as he tossed the material in the corner of the room. “The sex,” he clarified. “I can do the sex better.”

Dana licked her lips, eyes traversing the naked expanse of his chest. “Better? I am not sure that is possible. The first time around we created a new life thread. Copyright 2016 - 2024