The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,58

over her, and one corner of his mouth turned up.

Anticipation shivered over her skin as he headed straight for their group.

Stepping into the sitting area, he was totally at ease. “Ladies. Might I steal Valerie away?” He caught sight of Natalia who was wiping her cheeks, and his dark brows came together. “Natalia, is—”

Natalia held up her hands, palms out. “No, no, I’m fine. Just talking. That’s all. Go, Valerie. She’s coming, Sir.”

“What?” Valerie widened her eyes. “You’re tossing me under the bus?”

“No, wait.” Natalia looked horrified. “No, I didn’t mean—”

“Kidding.” Laughing, Valerie nudged her shoulder. “It’s fine. We’d planned to talk tonight.”

“Oh.” Natalia let out a long, relieved sigh while the other two women snickered. “Okay. Good.”

“It’s late, and we’re all leaving in a few minutes anyway. Marcus and Raoul should be finished with their dungeon monitor duties, and we’ll walk Natalia out,” Gabi said. “See you next time, Valerie.”

“Drive carefully.” Taking Ghost’s outstretched hand, Valerie let him pull her to her feet…and tried to ignore her shiver at his strength. He kept her hand in his as he led her away from the group.

“Is Natalia all right?” he asked quietly when they were out of hearing.

“The tears weren’t from being picked on by the Doms. And…it’s not my story to tell. Sorry.”

After a moment, he nodded. “Fair enough. I’ll keep an eye out for her.”

Of course, he would. Because that was who he was. “Thank you.”

“I’ll keep an eye on you, for entirely different reasons.” Ghost ran a finger down her cheek. “Want to play?”

His light touch set off fireworks inside her.

“I…I didn’t think you’d be able to.” Or would still want to. “Aren’t you supposed to be on duty as manager?” Hope rose inside her.

“I am, but I joined the club to enjoy the lifestyle. There are only a few people left, and Holt and Jake are comfortable closing up.” He smiled. “Holt likes to stay so he and Josie can go home together. So, I’m off duty.”

Valerie swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. “Well, if you want…”

“Yes, Professor. I definitely want.” He kissed her fingertips, then his assessing gaze swept over her. Slowly. “Ready to explore more?”

Uh-oh. The words sounded like a Dom who was also a sadist. Barry hadn’t been interested in pushing her. But the burbling heat in her veins said she wanted to try. Except…he’d hurt that woman and enjoyed it. “Yes?”

Stopping in a quiet spot, he chuckled. “The certainty in your response is lacking, pet.”

His certainty wasn’t. “Well…”

“Tonight, I’d like to stay down here so I can secure you better and use some different implements, not just my hand. Will you be comfortable with being more public and having your arms restrained?”

She’d seen others stripped and restrained. Not only young slender bodies, but every size and shape and age. It was time to let go of her insecurity.

“If you ignore my blushes, I’d like to try it.”

He moved close enough she had to tilt her head back. “I like seeing you blush, Valerie, and more.... I want to see your skin turning red, your eyes wide, maybe even a few tears and whimpers. Begging to come, mmmph, that, too.”

So much pain? The idea was frightening, yet her insides melted into a puddle of need. “I…”

He ran his hands up and down her arms, standing so close she could feel his body’s heat. “One more time, I need to ask if anything in your past would cause you distress if you’re restrained, hurt, or touched intimately.”

The intent look in his eyes was careful. His jaw showed a taut line of muscle.

“No, nothing.” She touched his cheek. “Really, Ghost.”

“All right.” He shook his head as if throwing off the tension.

“You really do worry a lot.”

He stilled, then a faint smile lifted his lips. “Noticed, did you?”

Rather than answer, she tilted her head.

He bent and kissed her lightly, then with a hum, returned to plunge and plunder, demanding a response.

Even as she melted against him, her body craved more.

He lifted his head. “This is also the time to ask if you’ll stay with me after the scene. In my bed”—his hand covered her breast, sending shivers of need through her—“with all that implies.”

Sex was what he meant. She licked her lips. “Yes. I’d like that.” After a second, she frowned. “You wanted to give me lots of warning?”

He chuckled. “Simply, I wanted your consent while your head is clear. Because I intend to fuzz it up.”


“Come, let’s begin.” He led her to roped-off scene area with Copyright 2016 - 2024