The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,129

knowing she wasn’t going to like what followed.

When Linda hesitated, Olivia stepped in, “Linda’s kids discovered she’d visited a BDSM club before she was kidnapped to be a sex slave. They acted like visiting a kink club justified her being grabbed. And then they learned she was sleeping with a sadist.”

Even as Valerie’s mouth dropped open, Linda rolled her eyes. “Very succinct, Mistress Olivia.”

It sounded like a nightmare. “Gods, I can only imagine how badly that went over.”

Linda pointed a finger at her. “See? You get it. The only reason they didn’t call me a whole lot of ugly names was because Sam was there. I was so angry I kicked the lot of them out of my house. And after doing that, I wasn’t sure I’d ever see either of them again.” Her eyes reddened.

Valerie slid over on the couch to put an arm around her. “But it worked out. Didn’t it?”

Please let it have worked out. Linda never seemed sad when she spoke of her children.

“It did. Sam took it on himself to force them to listen to everything I hadn’t shared with them. I’d thought some realities were too difficult for them to bear.” Linda’s gaze met Valerie’s. “I was wrong. If our families don’t know the whole truth, how can they separate lies from facts—or make the correct decisions?”


“I see where you’re going with this.” Valerie rubbed her hands over her face. “Thinking about how angry Dillon and Hailey were and what they said, I know Barry told them some really ugly lies.”

Linda nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

“But to fight back, I’d have to ruin their belief in their father.” Valerie sighed. But he’d done just that to her, now hadn’t he? “Actually, I’m not sure I can even convince them I’m the one telling the truth.”

Her heart quailed.

“It’s not my decision, but my opinion is you should try.” Olivia’s mouth tightened. “You have something else to consider. Lies or not, what your children are threatening isn’t right. It’s called emotional blackmail.”


Linda nodded. “When toddlers and teens don’t get their way, they use the ‘I hate you, Mommy,’ And it really stings, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” Valerie whispered. Perhaps it hurt her even more because she was particularly vulnerable to love being withdrawn.

Her jaw set as she realized the ugliness of what Barry had created. “If my children said they found my behavior repellent and wanted to distance themselves, it would be one thing. But they’re withholding their love to get their way. Or, in this case, my ex’s way.”

Linda nodded.

Valerie turned to Olivia. “The same as what your father did with you.”

“You see it now.”

“My Sam…” Linda folded her hands in her lap. “He’d say a parent shouldn’t let a child get away with emotional manipulation. Because such behavior would sabotage their future relationships.”

“Your Master is a hardass.” Smiling slightly, Olivia glanced at Valerie. “And, although quieter about it, so is the Colonel.”

Ghost did have convictions about honesty. And about protecting her.

Valerie’s next breath came easier. Although honoring her fears by staying away, he’d found her help. Because he loved her.

And she loved him.

Should her children be allowed to dictate who she loved and where she lived?


No more than she would order them around.

And if they would erase her from their lives without listening to her, she’d truly done a horrible job of raising them.

But she wouldn’t judge, not at this point. First, they needed the facts. “Before I can combat Barry’s lies, I’ll need to get the children to see me. They aren’t even taking my calls.”

“Brats,” Olivia’s eyes narrowed. After a minute, she said, “I doubt they’d be able to resist reading a certified letter.”

“Perfect. As for getting them to see you in person”—Linda smiled cynically—“shame and remorse are feelings that should be spread around, don’t you think?”

Valerie considered. “In other words, they’re not the only ones who can appeal to emotion.”

“Exactly.” Linda nodded. “We parents are masters of the art of the guilt trip.”

Olivia tilted her head. “After sending the letters, you might let them stew for a few days.”

“I don’t have much choice. This is finals week followed by commencement.” After a heartening sip of grog, Valerie pulled her notepad forward. “I think I know how to do this.”

By the time Linda and Olivia left, she had the letter.

My children,

You’ve listened to what your father had to say about my various “crimes” and apparently, have convicted me without a hearing.

I believe I should have an equal chance to speak.

After all, I heard what Copyright 2016 - 2024