Edge of the Wilderness - By Stephanie Grace Whitson Page 0,95

the board that formed the wagon’s front. Meg obeyed, wide-eyed with terror.

Gen patted Hope’s head, wrapping her in a blanket. “You stay right there, Hope. Meg’s going for a ride on the big horse. I’ll be back for you.” Hope regarded Gen with wide blue eyes as Gen looked up at Meg. She patted her shoulder. “I’m going to turn around and I want you to climb on piggyback.”

Meg shook her head uncertainly. “I’m too big. You can’t hold me.”

Gen ignored her. “From me to Daisy’s back. Grab onto the harness strap right across her fat rump. You hang on. If I slip and fall in the water, you still hang on.” She put one icy hand on each of Meg’s cheeks, staring coldly into her eyes. “Understand? Pull yourself up. Don’t worry about me. I can swim.” She nodded firmly at Meg, then turned around and patted her shoulder.

Trembling with fear, Meg perched on the edge of the wagon. Gen backed up, and Meg slipped down, wrapping her legs around Gen’s tiny waist.

Gen took a deep breath and grabbed Meg’s legs. Pinning them to her she locked her hands together. Bracing for a moment against the wagon, she lunged forward toward Daisy. She slipped, falling into the horse. But Daisy didn’t move. She looked back over her shoulder and snorted and shook her head, but she didn’t move. Meg grabbed the harness and hung on while Gen helped her unwrap her legs and scramble up onto Daisy’s broad back.


Hope had pulled herself to a standing position at the front of the wagon and was bouncing up and down on her sturdy legs. “Ma! Ma! Ma!” She reached her arms toward Gen, who looked up at Meg and patted her leg.

“I’m going to get Hope and hand her to you. Turn her to face you, and wrap her legs around your waist like this,” Gen said as she motioned. “Then wrap your arms around her and grab the harness in front of both of you. When I get Daisy unhitched, she’s going to move fast for the bank. It won’t take her long to get there, but you have to hang on.”

“What about you?” Meg began to cry.

“I’ll hold on to the harness and when Daisy swims, she’ll pull me along with you. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” Gen bit her lips to keep her teeth from chattering. One more pass, Lord. Only one more. Just let me get Hope.

Gen lunged for the wagon. She dragged Hope into her increasingly numb arms, burying her face in the blonde hair for a second before turning back toward where Meg waited atop Daisy. “Ready?” she called. When Meg nodded, Gen counted, “One—two—three!” and lunged forward, forcing Hope up over her head and toward Meg. At the moment Meg’s arms closed around Hope’s body, Gen slid off the singletree. She threw out her hand and managed to grab onto submerged wood. She was thoroughly soaked now. Every movement was agony. She inched her way along, her teeth chattering, willing herself to unhitch the harness. Her fingers fumbled with every step. She prayed herself through, not knowing how she managed to work with buckles she could not feel. Only when she was back at the wagon untying Daisy’s reins did she realize her numb fingers were bleeding.

“Go on, Daisy, go on!” Gen called to the trembling horse. The instant the reins were free, Daisy moved forward. “Hang on, Meg!” Gen said, just as she slipped into the icy waters. She realized she no longer felt cold. She was no longer shivering. It felt pleasant, somehow, floating along in the water, surrendering to the control of something else. She looked toward the creek bank and saw that Meg and Hope were safely across. At that moment, the wagon was washed free. It came after her, swirling and tumbling. As she slipped beneath the surface of the water, Gen was vaguely conscious of someone screaming her name.


Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.

—Psalm 116:15

Simon staggered ashore with an unconscious Gen in his arms. Shaking so violently he could barely walk, he managed to get back to where the team waited. Meg clutched Hope tightly, but both girls were shivering in the cold. It was pitch-black, the only light coming from a sliver of moon just now rising above the trees. Kneeling in the snow, Simon braced Gen across his lap as best he could, trying to protect her from

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