Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,69

she'd tried to pretend otherwise with Rosie. But not like this, in whatever unfortunate way someone had told him. A small part of her brain was struggling to figure out who might know, but the major part of her knew she had to pay attention.

"It was an accident," she managed.

"An accident?" He grabbed his computer and flipped open the top. "Don't insult my intelligence. You knew perfectly well what you were doing."

"So did you!" She blew her nose.

"Quit crying!" he shouted. "I have no sympathy for you. In fact, I'm ashamed and disgusted by what you've done. You're fired and no tears will change that."

"Don't think for one minute I'm crying over you! Good riddance to you."

"Very mature," he snapped. "You could have chosen a better way to get rid of me. Do you know how serious the consequences of your behavior will be?"

"My behavior? Do I know about the consequences?" For a long moment, she thought she might go off in hysteria like a nineteenth century maiden. How had she landed in this cliché? Pregnant by a man who not only accepted no responsibility, but who also was furious with her, as if it were entirely her fault. Forget the nineteenth century. She should be thinking of cave man days since she was dealing with a Neanderthal.

"What about you?" she said. "You don't have any responsibility for this mess?"

He jerked up his head to stare at her. "What are you talking about? How in the world could you blame me?"

She burst into laughter. The hysterical note she'd been afraid of echoed through the laugh, but she was helpless to stop. If she'd ever wondered whether a relationship with him were possible, she had her answer now.

"Guess what, Logan?" She stepped closer, and poked a finger into his chest. "I am not one of your prostitutes. We may not have a relationship, but it takes two to tango and you don't get to pretend you had nothing to do with it."

"Are you talking about sex?" He batted away her hand. "This was payback to me? Because I wouldn't have a relationship with you?" He shook his head. "Damn. You women are all the same. I told you right from the beginning that I only wanted sex."

"Guess what? Your fine words don't absolve you now."

"Jesus." He grabbed the laptop and began tapping on the keys. "How is any of this my responsibility?"

An email filled the screen. Logan pointed to it. "A computerized trail is as damning as a paper one."

Amanda frowned. Why were they looking at emails?

"What is this?" Her body felt stiff, as if it were preparing to ward off a blow.

"Your note to Mrs. Molloy," he said curtly. "The one where you tell her we're not interested in pursuing a deal with them due to her disability. I'm sure you haven't forgotten it."

His finger stabbed at the damning words:

Mrs. Molloy, I'm sympathetic to your disability. However, your insistence on remaining in a management role after a purchase convinces us that we should not move forward. We cannot have a seriously ill executive in charge of one of our companies. Daily Eats would need to undergo a significant turnaround to be profitable enough to interest Winter Enterprises, and this would require new management.

Amanda had to stop reading as the ugly words rolled around in her brain. Why did Logan think she'd sent this note?

"You think I wrote that?" Her finger shook as she pointed at the screen. "Is that what you think of me?"

"Look at the email address," he said, with disgust in his tone. "Who's it from?"

She grabbed the monitor. Damn. The note had been sent from her work email account.

Her stomach roiled with nausea. "I never wrote that," she said.

Logan gave her a disgusted look. "Do you know how hard I've worked to build my company? Do you know how close you've come to destroying it all?" He held up his hand, with all five fingers extended.

She shook her head numbly, but he ignored the motion.

"Number one." He folded in his thumb. "My public offering was canceled."

Amanda sucked in a sharp breath. She hadn't given another thought to the dinner that Josh had told her had been canceled last night. No wonder Logan was furious.

"Number two." Logan's forefinger joined the thumb. "Since the public sale didn't take place, my good friend didn't get the money he needed, and which I promised to him."

"Number three." His middle finger toppled. "Now I'm forced to try to get a loan to Copyright 2016 - 2024