Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,57

like her to have company this week."

Damn. How had he arranged that?

"Good," Logan said into her silence. "We'll consider it settled. I believe Felipe is at your apartment right now. By the way, I think Rosie is with him."

"Eeek! I don't want her to know I'm going to your place."

"Too late. She was right there when I was giving Felipe instructions."

"Lord." Amanda groaned out loud. "The company gossip mongers will have a field day."

"Don't dawdle," Logan said briskly, ignoring her comment. "I need Felipe to take me to the airport."

Amanda sighed as she hung up the phone. How did he always manage to put her on the defensive?

Another thought struck her suddenly. Where would she actually stay in his apartment? Did he have a guest room?

Chapter 20

The answer was no. Logan Winter did not have a guest room in his spacious apartment. He had a workout room, a book-lined study, and a TV room. But no guest room. Clearly, he never had guests. Amanda gazed in frustration at Mrs. MacDonald, who'd been delighted to open the front door to her a few minutes ago.

"Yes, Logan called me," the housekeeper had said, "and told me you'd be staying here in his absence."

Mrs. MacDonald led the way to Logan's bedroom, without indicating in any way that Amanda already knew where it was. "Of course, he doesn't have a guest room, but he said you were welcome to sleep here."

She opened the door to the gray and blue room.

A pang hit Amanda right in the chest. Memories flooded through her. Logan up on his arms, braced over her, pounding into her.

Juxtaposed with the "other" Logan. Lying alone and silent on his side of the bed. Unaffectionate. Cold.

She shivered.

"Logan said you have strep." Mrs. MacDonald frowned. "Have you started your antibiotics?"

"Yes." Amanda tried to dredge up a smile. "I'll be fine."

"You don't look fine, dearie," the housekeeper answered bluntly. "Why don't you get in bed and take a nap? Would you like a nice bowl of hot soup?"

"Maybe later." Amanda looked at the bed. Sex. Passion. Whatever you wanted to call it. She'd had it, and she'd had to throw it away. She gripped the handle of her suitcase, and turned back toward the door. "You know, Mrs. MacDonald, it was a mistake for me to come here. I don't think I can be comfortable away from home."

"Oh, no." Mrs. MacDonald held up a hand. "You can't leave. Why, Logan would never forgive me. He told me specifically to take care of you."

"I'm sure you'd do a wonderful job. But I just can't stay here." Amanda began to drag her suitcase toward the door.

"He hasn't had anyone here since you were here."

The words stopped Amanda cold.

"That's none of my business," she whispered. Her lips were as stiff as the suitcase handle.

"You don't need to feel like an interloper. Logan will be gone all week." Mrs. MacDonald placed the back of her hand on Amanda's forehead. "You have a terrible fever. You need help. Please stay."

The older woman removed her hand, and her eyes met Amanda's. "I would welcome the company."

Amanda's heart dropped. Her head swam with a sudden dizziness. What choice did she have now? She was sick. Mrs. MacDonald was lonely. Maybe they could help each other.

She let go of the suitcase. "You're right," she said. "I could use your help."

"Good. That's all settled then." Mrs. MacDonald bustled over to the closet with the suitcase. "I'll unpack this when you get up from your nap." She opened the door and gestured to the empty closet. Amanda realized it was one of two master closets in the room. Its stark emptiness saddened her.

Logan Winter had convinced himself he didn't need other people. She shouldn't be foolish enough to think she could change that.

Mrs. MacDonald left, and Amanda crawled into the bed. The sheets were crisp and fresh, and she could tell they'd been ironed. But they still bore the faint scent of Logan. She buried her face in that false comfort, and fell asleep.


By Wednesday, Amanda was feeling much better. Mrs. MacDonald was a gifted nurse, who knew just when to leave Amanda to rest, and just when a bowl of chicken soup would be welcome. Amanda's fever had broken on Wednesday morning and she was able to eat a couple small meals during the day.

Wednesday evening, Mrs. MacDonald sat down at the kitchen table with her to share a cup of tea.

"Did Logan tell you I'm going to be away tomorrow and Friday?"

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