Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,4

expanse of gray carpet in response to Rosie's summons.

The elevator appeared silently and swooped her away. Logan disappeared into his office.

"Miu miu skirt." Rosie sighed. "Jimmy Choos."

"Didn't get her the job," Amanda pointed out.

"No," Rosie agreed. "But you saw the way he was lookin' at her. Remember what I said about your clothes when you go home to pack."

Amanda laughed. "I really don't think I can play the femme fatale." But her fingers crept to the button closing her blouse firmly at her neck. Maybe she could loosen up a little. She didn't date much because she'd always had to work hard, not only to help her mother financially, but also to help with the care for her younger sister. When she'd moved to Philadelphia to get her MBA, she'd also worked part-time in the school library. Full-time studies and a part-time job kept her too busy to focus on being sexy. That kind of behavior was for women more interested in a marriage license than a career. At least, that's what she told herself.

She got asked out enough to keep her ego in relatively good shape, but she preferred to socialize in small groups of friends. That way, she didn't have to worry about some individual guy getting too attentive. Even those group outings had to be limited, as she didn't have the funds for a big entertainment budget.

Yet here she was, after only a few minutes in the company of Logan Winter, wondering if she'd missed out on a big part of the fun in life. Maybe she could take a lesson from that redhead and learn how to be a bit sexier. Not to attract Logan, of course, because she was going to be working for him. But there were plenty of other men in the world.

"You want the job?" Rosie pointed a red marker at her, drawing her back to the here and now.

"I need this job," Amanda said firmly. She had a sudden urge to confide in this cheerful elf. Rosie seemed straightforward, friendly, and helpful. "I have a sister who's really sick," Amanda said, the words slipping out. "I have to support her and my mother. So this job is really important."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rosie leaned forward, her eyes going even rounder in sympathy. "You want to talk about it?"

"No," Amanda said. Her fingers worried the button, as if it could attach her firmly to the job. Logan wouldn't renege on the job offer if she were too uptight for his tastes, would he? That would be ridiculous. It wasn't like he was marrying her.

"Okay." Rosie interrupted her thoughts. "I'm here if you ever need a listener."

"Thanks, Rosie. My sister has a lung disease." The words spilled out of Amanda, without her permission. "She's going to Denver to stay in a hospital there that specializes in lung issues. My mother needs to go with her."

"Of course." Rosie fixed her gaze on Amanda. "You need to do whatever it takes to help them. I get it."

"Yes." Amanda's fingers slipped the button out of its hole. She breathed a little easier. "I'll take any tips you've got."

Rosie tilted her head. "Keep goin' with those buttons. He likes his women hot and sexy."

Amanda stiffened. "I am not going to be 'his woman'."

"Course not." Rosie laughed, as if to say that idea was completely ridiculous. "But you know what I mean. Other women don't mind flirtin' and showin' their sexy side. He likes that."

"Are we back to the 'take off your blouse' line?" Amanda tried to sound amused. But the reality was, she'd had a strong urge to start removing her clothes while in Logan Winter's office. She hated to think she was just like all the other women who melted in his presence.

Rosie shrugged. "Hey, just tryin' to help. Clothes are my thing, ya know?" She gestured to her outfit.

"Thanks, Rosie. I appreciate it. But I think I already have the job."

"Hey, congrats!" Rosie beamed at her. "That was quick work."

"I didn't have to get naked either." Amanda smiled with relief. She liked Rosie, and she'd need a friend now that she was going to be working here.

"You will," Rosie muttered as she picked up the blinking phone.

Amanda decided to pretend she hadn't heard that. She feared it was too close to the truth.

Chapter 2

"This is my hotel room," Amanda said. She frowned at her new boss, who stood sideways to her, his broad shoulder propped against the cream and gold striped wallpaper lining the penthouse corridor Copyright 2016 - 2024