Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,37

hoped he was mistaken tonight, because he didn't want Amanda to start developing feelings for him.

"I think we should call it a night," he said, automatically reaching for her, before he remembered the 'no touching' rule and pulled back. Damn, this was going to be difficult.

"Good," Amanda answered. "If you're sure you don't need to stay."

They started toward the exit. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I only come to these events so they'll come to mine. It's all a revolving door."

"I'm surprised you have charities you feel that strongly about supporting."

He made a show of feeling around in his pockets for the coat check, even though he knew exactly where it was. He didn't want to look at her.

"I have a few causes that are near and dear." His tone wasn't as light as he'd been aiming for, but it would have to do.

He would never, ever, talk about the Juilliard music scholarship fund he'd established in his sister's name.

They walked out into a light rain. His black limo idled at the curb. Felipe exited the car to open the door. But before they reached him, a man walking along the sidewalk, his head down to avoid the rain, cut them off.

Logan put an arm around Amanda to steer her out of the way. He felt her stiffen. "Jamie?" she said.

The man looked up and broke into a huge smile. "Amanda Thompson, what are you doing here?"

"We've just been to the exhibit." She waved at the doors behind them. "But what are you doing in New York? Last I heard you were living in London."

"Got transferred back." His eyes slid over toward Logan, as if wondering who he was.

"Sorry." Amanda laughed. "Jamie, this is my boss, Logan Winter. Logan, Jamie Boudreau."

They shook hands, and Logan tried to ignore the annoyance he felt at being introduced as her boss. Really, that's exactly what he was.

"Amanda and I were just leaving," he said. "Nice to meet you."

Amanda hesitated, and then rushed into speech. "Are you free to get a cup of coffee, Jamie?"

"Sure! Love to catch up."

"That's good." She turned to Logan with a bright smile. "There's no need for you to take me home, then. But thanks for the networking opportunity tonight."

Logan knew he could turn this around in a heartbeat. But he saw the anger in the back of her eyes and, he had to admit, she was entitled to feel it. He had nothing to gain by forcing the issue, and plenty to lose if he overplayed his hand.

"Good night, then." He couldn't resist pulling her close with one arm and placing a quick kiss on her forehead. Let Jamie make of that what he would.

When he let her go, Amanda's eyes snapped at him. But she wouldn't make a scene over something so small. The best she could do was to tuck her hand through Jamie's arm and stroll off with him.

Logan was surprised how much the sight annoyed him.

Chapter 14

"Rosie." Amanda flipped through a rack of beautiful dresses at an exclusive Madison Avenue boutique. "I don't want to be indebted to Logan."

"Don't think of it like that." Rosie picked up a silver stiletto and looked it over. "You're doing this for me. Logan said so."

Amanda eyed her doubtfully. Today Rosie wore lime green leggings, black combat boots and an ivory lace dress. She looked adorable, and had announced that the entire outfit cost only twenty-five bucks.

But Amanda needed more sophisticated clothes, and the price tags Rosie steered her to were eye-popping.

"I thought you were going to make my clothes."

"I'm working on that." Rosie yanked out a gold, silk crepe dress with a narrow band of blonde lace decorating a deep, scalloped neck. "This is it. Perfect for you."

When Amanda reluctantly tried on the dress, she had to stare at herself. The crepe hugged her breasts, with the open neckline pointing subtly to them. The bias cut flattered her midsection, and the skirt flared gently around her knees, swishing when she moved.

"You can't pass this up," the saleslady said happily. "The dress was made for you."

"It's too expensive," Amanda said quickly. She didn't want to disappoint the saleslady, but there was no point in raising her hopes either.

"She'll take it," Rosie said.

The clerk glanced from Rosie to Amanda and back.

"I pay the bills," Rosie said. "And my reputation is at stake. Logan will love this."

The saleslady raised her eyebrows. "I see."

"Rosie," Amanda hissed when the dress was borne off. "You made her think I'm a mistress or Copyright 2016 - 2024