Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,28

back from him. "Could we sit down for a minute? I need to catch my breath."

"Certainly." He followed her over to the table where June sat alone now, talking on her phone. But before they could sit down, a sexy brunette swished up to Logan and flung her arms around him.

"Dance with me," she invited, her tone sure, her eyes laughing. Her Christmas-red silk sheath identified her as one of the bridesmaids, a sophisticated, glamorous attendant, not the kind who had to dress in pale ruffles so as not to outshine the bride.

"Excuse me for just a moment." Logan held out a chair for Amanda. After pushing it in, he leaned over, his warm male scent washing over her. "I'll be back shortly," he said.

June clicked off her phone. "Babysitter," she said with a small grimace.


"Nothing serious. My twins thought it would be fun to go sledding in the dark. They almost had the sitter convinced we do that all the time." Her dry tone was belied by her smile.

"How old are they?"

"Eight going on four." She laughed. "They're cute, but not half as much fun to watch as a grown man."

She nodded at Logan. "Look at those hips. Making me hot, and he's my husband's best friend."

"He's got some moves." Amanda tried to laugh, but it was painful to watch Logan and the brunette move together in perfect synchronicity.

"Lucky you." June gave an exaggerated look around. "You don't see my husband anywhere, do you? He must be hiding. Terrified he might have to dance again."

Yeah, Amanda thought, but he loves you. He makes babies with you. He plans to spend the rest of his life with you. Dance moves don't hold a candle to all that.

But of course, she couldn't say any of that. She cast about for a different topic and landed on the one thing she didn't want to say.

"Who's that woman he's dancing with?" As much as the sight of them together tortured her, Amanda didn't seem able to stop watching, nor to leave the words unsaid.

"You don't know?" June tore her eyes away from the dance floor to glance at her.

Amanda shook her head. "I barely know Logan."

"Uh…" June fiddled with her phone, refusing to meet Amanda's eyes. "That's the woman he learned to dance with. Stacy Johnson."

Bingo. She should have known. They moved together like water flowing down steps. Each body part fluidly followed the other.

Amanda knew she had to speak. Her silence made too big a deal out of the fact.

But she couldn't think of a thing to say. She didn't belong here, was not part of this world, and could never compete with a woman like that. Not that she wanted to compete, she reminded herself sadly. She was Logan's employee, nothing more.

June patted her hand. "Don't worry about her. They were a couple back when we were all in college together, and Logan never abandons anyone."

"Logan?" Amanda's brows shot up. "Are you talking about Logan Winter? A man who hires women for companionship so he doesn't have to form a relationship?"

She snapped her mouth shut, horrified that she'd let that out. She shouldn't be divulging such information about anyone, let alone the person who was her boss.

"No." June shook her head emphatically. "That's his…his armor. Not his natural character."

"His armor? Why does a man like him need armor? Has the world been so terrible to him?"

June bit her lip, as if afraid of the words that might emerge. "Everyone has problems, Amanda. Even Logan."

Yeah. Problems dealing with people.

Amanda watched as they swung by, the woman as sexy as Logan.

"Look at him." June gestured toward the couple. "So controlled. He's dancing beautifully with Stacy but he looks at her like she's a robot."

Amanda shrugged. She'd already made too big a deal out of the whole thing.

"That's not the way he was looking at you," June said into the silence.

Amanda's heart skipped a beat, but she knew the subject had to be changed.

"Tell me about the bride and groom," she said brightly.

June immediately launched into a funny tale, and when Logan and Stacy returned, Amanda was able to look up coolly.

"Come on." Logan held out a hand. "We haven't had a chance to waltz."

Amanda hesitated a moment too long. She knew better than to waltz with him, but she couldn't embarrass him in front of his friends.

"Lovely," she said, a shade too heartily.

She moved into his arms, feeling his strength as he gently pulled her into the embrace of the dance. His warm Copyright 2016 - 2024