Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,37

Fast Money Now, is out on the street. I don’t have anything other than a gut feeling, but it would explain a lot about why Brett was running up her credit cards and trying to get access to more.”

Nash paused while whoever was on the other end of the line said something. “Just look into it for me, would you? I realize there will be no record, but I know you have some contacts.”

There was another silence, and then Nash’s reply sent dread spinning in tight, cold circles around my heart. “I know. I got extra security lined up after Brett showed up here, but this is no fucking joke if he’s in it with these guys and owes them money.” Another pause and then, “Thanks, man. Call me any time, day or night, once you find out anything.”

Nash ended the call and looked at me. “I need to loop your brother in.”

I nodded while panic cascaded through me in icy waterfalls.

I listened as he again explained the situation to Max before glancing at me. “I think she’s okay. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he asked, “Do you want to talk to Max?”

Knowing my brother would start blowing up my phone if I didn’t talk to him, I held my hand out. As soon as Nash passed his phone over, I lifted it to my ear. “Hey, Max.”

“It’s going to be fine, Mari. Stick with Nash. We’ve already agreed we’ll pay off whatever Brett owes if that’s what’s going on.”

“Oh my God, don’t do that!” I sputtered.

“Mari, if they think they can get to Brett through you, you are not safe. Trust me, I don’t want to pay anything off for Brett, but your safety is worth it to me. It will also send a message to them you’re off-limits. As soon as we know you’re safe, we’ll figure out what to do after that.”

Uncertain what else to say, I mumbled, “Thanks, Max.”

After I handed the phone back to Nash, I got more water while he talked to Max some more.

My chest felt tight, and unease rippled through me in little tremors. I couldn’t believe Brett might have put me in this situation. It had been enough to try to absorb what an asshole he was, but to realize he might’ve put me in genuine danger was shocking. I didn’t like the feeling, not one bit.

I heard Nash saying goodbye to Max and felt him walk up beside me where I stood in front of the windows. With the shades closed, there was nothing for me to look at, so I was studying a photograph mounted on the wall beside the windows. It was of a shrimp boat silhouetted against a watercolor sunset of tangerine and pink with the Gulf waters shimmering a reflection of colors.

Nash stopped beside me and was quiet for a few moments. As unsettled as I was, the quiet helped. It soothed the anxiety tinged with panic inside my chest. His palm landed between my shoulder blades, and I could feel the heat of it through the thin silk of my blouse.

“Don’t worry, Max and I have a plan.”

Restless, almost driven to move by the jumble of feelings bouncing around inside of me, I turned to face him. “Don’t worry?” I took a shaky breath before I could continue. “You’re telling me Brett might be tangled up with some kind of loan shark. What kind of plan could you even have?”

Nash regarded me quietly. I didn’t like having him see me like this. I already felt like an idiot over Brett. The recognition that I could be in genuine danger made me sick and I felt like an even bigger fool.

Tearing my eyes from his, I began pacing again. Nash stayed where he was, yet he turned to face me. “Mari, I know these guys. I’m not friends with them, but I’m a businessman in New Orleans, and I grew up here. I know just about everyone.”

Stopping my pacing, I threw my hands up, letting them fall abruptly. “What are you gonna do?”

“If necessary, we’ll pay them off. They just want their money. In the meantime, Max and I are going to track down Brett and work with the police to file charges. That’s what needs to happen.”

I took a deep breath, pressing the heels of my hands into my eyes as I tried to calm down. When I opened my eyes, Nash was standing by the counter, pouring a glass of whiskey.

“Come here,”

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