Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,30

I’m kind of freaking out, and you’re on speakerphone. I’m here with Nash.”

“Hey, Max,” Nash chimed in.

“Glad you’re there, Nash. What’s the update?”

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, gesturing with my free hand toward Nash. He didn’t let go of my other hand and slightly tightened the curl of his fingers around my palm.

Nash quickly summarized what he had shared with me a moment ago, ending with, “You may have already done this homework yourself. Any updates for us?”

Max’s voice was tight when he spoke. “I chased down the financials, but that’s it. Mari, you need to put a freeze on your credit now.”

“I will. I’ll call as soon as we finish this.”

“I wouldn’t suggest calling. Go back to Nash’s office and do it from there. Cell phones are notoriously insecure. Thank you for asking your guy to look into this, Nash. Mari, give us a few more days before you respond to Brett. I’d like to see if I can suss out why he’s doing this. He’s not particularly sophisticated, so I’m hoping it’s just for money. In the meantime, please tell me you’re gonna stay put. I trust the security at Nash’s building.”

I glared at the phone. I never appreciated my brother getting all high-handed with me. My irritation at this moment was layered. Regardless of my frustration, I felt frightened by what Brett was doing. He’d gone from being just an asshole who made me feel like a fool to someone who was committing real crimes. I didn’t want to need anyone’s help, but I did.

“Max, you don’t need to get all bossy about it. I’ll stay put. I don’t like you trying to tell me what to do, but it’s totally unnecessary since safety is more important than my pride. Nash has offered me a place to stay, and even if Brett knows where I am, I feel safe there.”

I looked up and collided with Nash’s waiting gaze. The look there sent my pulse off to the races. He squeezed my hand, and the intensity held in his eyes stole my breath.

I didn’t even hear half of what my brother started to say—but I quite clearly heard the irritation in his tone—and quickly yanked my eyes away from Nash’s gaze to look down at the phone. “What?”

“Did you hear anything I just said?”

“No, the connection got a little staticky,” I lied. When I dared a look at Nash, his lips curled in a sly, knowing grin. I wasn’t about to fess up the connection had been totally fine, unless you counted the static in my brain created entirely by Nash and his sexy eyes.

“I said something to the effect of thank God you’re being sensible,” Max said.

“What Max means is he’s glad you have a place to stay, and he’s sure your visit to New Orleans will be lovely,” Harlow chimed in.

There was a rustling sound, and Harlow laughed. I guessed she’d snatched the phone from Max.

“Mari knows I’m worried about her,” Max said defensively in the background.

“No one likes a lecture, Max,” Harlow countered. “Enjoy your time there, Mari.”

Max’s tone was warmer when his voice returned at full volume. “Okay, apologies for the lecture. I worry about you, and I want you to be safe.”

“I know you do, and I appreciate it. I’m sure we’ll head back to Nash‘s office—”

“We’re going right now,” Nash interjected.

“And I’ll take care of the credit freeze right away.”

Nash spoke again. “As soon as Brett realizes he can’t use any of those shiny new credit cards, he’ll figure out that Mari knows what’s up.”

Chapter 13


After I got Mari set up in one of the conference rooms at my office, I went into my own office and immediately called Max. While I completely respected Mari, I didn’t want to frighten her. My concern about Brett had skyrocketed after learning he put a tracking device on her phone.

Max answered immediately. “I’m guessing there’s a reason you wanted to call me without my sister.”

“Look, I don’t want to freak her out any more than is necessary. You and I both know that there’s no surprises with everything concerning the money side of this situation. But Brett showed up at my office building last night. The tracking device is bullshit. How do you think Mari will handle it if I ask her to let my guy Trent take a look at her phone? The only reason he found the other tracker is through a reverse trace to Brett’s old phone.

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