Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,18

said, “Perfect then. You don’t need to worry about it.”

My phone chimed, indicating a text was coming through. Putting Harlow on speaker, I pulled the phone away from my ear and glanced at the screen. Nash’s name was flashing. “Hey, I’ve got to go. Will you tell Max I love him?”

“Absolutely. Enjoy yourself.”

I ended the call with Harlow and tapped the message window.

Checking to see if you need anything.

I ignored the shaft of disappointment. I didn’t know what I expected, so I nudged aside the feeling.

All set. Thanks for checking.

There. I could be normal and brief too.

I crossed the kitchen and checked through the cabinets to discover that, while there wasn’t much food, there were some basics such as coffee, tea, and crackers. I quickly made myself a pot of coffee. I made a mental note to pick up some creamer when I went to the grocery store.

I needed some food to tide me over for the next few days. I logged onto my email to check if I had received my assignment. My boss’s promised email was already waiting. Tyson asked me to do a spread on small inns in the New Orleans area. Unfortunately, he thought I was still staying at Inn Boudreaux and wanted that to be my starting place. I bit back a sigh. This meant calling Gabby.

I quickly replied to his email and told him I would get started. He didn’t need to know the mess of my personal life. I figured perhaps I could persuade Nash to show me all the best places. He had offered to give me a proper tour of New Orleans.

I logged in to my bank online next to see just how much cash I might be able to withdraw for some groceries. Fortunately, my boss was going to send me a check in advance for gas money and lodging. Maybe I could use that to repay Gabby and stay here in the meantime.

When I logged into my online account, I was pleased to see my boss had already sent through a direct deposit in advance. It was only one thousand dollars, but I could buy some groceries and probably pay Gabby with that. While I was scanning the bank window, another deposit showed up in the account.

When I clicked on it, I narrowed my eyes. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Max.” My overbearing brother wasn’t above sending money over. It wasn’t that I minded it, but I wanted to not be in my current situation and need the money.

While I contemplated sending Max a text, my phone chimed on the kitchen island counter where I was sitting on one of the stools. Spinning it around, I saw a text from Max.

I’m sure you’re swearing at me. Let me help you out. It’s not your fault you’re in this situation, and Brett’s an asshole. I’ll track him down, and you can pay me back later if you insist. Love you.

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed as I stared at Max’s text. I loved my brother, I really did. I was so happy he’d found Harlow because it has softened the sharp edges of him. After he’d been burned by his girlfriend in college, he’d gotten cynical. Finding Harlow had gotten him past his cynicism. He was kinder and gentler, even if he could still drive me crazy.

Lifting my phone, I quickly tapped out my reply. I WILL pay you back. Love you.

After hitting send, I looked up the closest grocery store and was pleased to discover it was within walking distance. I certainly didn’t need to waste money eating out all the time. I changed into more comfortable clothes and good walking shoes.

Throwing my purse over my shoulder, I headed out. With it being late afternoon now, the humidity had broken and the air was slightly cooler. I walked along the sidewalk, glancing around at the lovely old homes. The famed balconies of New Orleans were in abundance with flowers spilling over the railings. Many of the people I walked by cast me a smile. The tension bundled in my neck and shoulders began to ease for the first time in days. Now that I had adjusted to the bitter reality of my relationship, or lack thereof, with Brett, hindsight was giving me a clear-eyed view. Although I didn’t like how it happened, I was relieved it was over.

Brett had blown into my life with plenty of charm and good looks to butter me up during a fundraiser

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