Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,15

after we returned. I’d been staying at a friend’s apartment for a few weeks while she was out of town for work.

Even though it made me nervous because Max could be overprotective and I knew he hadn’t liked Brett, I figured I might as well go ahead and let him know what happened. I quickly typed out a text.

Just so you know, Brett and I are over. I’m in New Orleans for a bit. I hope you and Harlow had a great trip. xoxo

After I hit send, I decided to take a shower. I needed to wash the sticky heat away from me.

Chapter 7


Lydia poked her head around the door. “Everything all set for Mari?” she asked when I gestured for her to come into my office.

“Yes. She’s upstairs in one of the staff condos. Thank you for getting it cleaned so quickly.”

Lydia smiled as she crossed the room and slipped into the chair across from my desk. “It was no trouble. I was due to call them anyway. Is Mari doing okay?”

“I think she’ll land on her feet. From what I can gather, that idiot Brett ran up all her credit cards and left her in a bind.”

“I hope you told her she could stay in the apartment as long as she needs. Does she intend to fly back home soon?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently, Brett purchased refundable tickets for this trip and canceled her return flight for the refund. I’m gonna do a little digging this afternoon to see what other bullshit he’s been up to.”

Lydia pursed her lips. “Mari seems quite nice. Not that she would deserve it even if she wasn’t nice, but it makes his behavior all the worse.”

I chuckled at the fierce expression on Lydia’s face. “I agree with you on that. Don’t worry, Mari can stay as long as she needs. As you know, I know her brother, so I plan to reach out to him as well. We’ll find a way to make Brett pay.”

Lydia arched a brow, angling her head to the side. “This isn’t like you.”

“What isn’t like me?” I countered, even though I knew precisely what she was talking about.

“Going out of your way like this. I think you like Mariana Channing.”

“I’m just helping her out,” I said even though I knew Lydia was right. “I know Max well enough that it wouldn’t do for me not to make sure she’s taken care of while she’s here.”

Lydia’s smile was polite, but I didn’t miss the sly gleam in her eyes. “Of course. If you’re so worried, perhaps you should let her brother know what happened.”

I had a mini stare down with Lydia before I chuckled. “I was already planning on talking with Max.”

My main office phone rang, and Lydia stood quickly. “I’ll get that from my desk.”

After she left my office, I pulled up the contacts on my phone. While Max was a friend and business acquaintance, we didn’t communicate often, so I needed to find his contact information. I hadn’t spoken to him since he had helped with some of the tech for the security on the buildings I managed in downtown New Orleans.

Just then, my personal phone rang. I spun it around on my desk to glance at the screen. As if Max could somehow read my mind from thousands of miles away, his name flashed on my screen.

“What the hell?” I murmured to myself right before I answered. “Hey, Max.”

“Nash, I hope you don’t mind me calling out of the blue.”

“I never mind you calling, Max. You did a damn good job of setting up those systems for me. Oddly enough, I was considering calling you just now.”

“I bet I can guess why. My sister is in New Orleans. Harlow and I just got back from a trip, and Mari texted a few minutes ago.”

“Mari’s the reason I was about to call you. Why don’t you tell me what you know? I’ll fill in the gaps. For starters, she’s fine. I offered her one of our staff condos, and she’s up there now.” Max grumbled something. “Look,” I added, “if you’re pissed I didn’t call sooner it’s because I literally just got back to my office. I’m not so sure she’ll appreciate me talking to you without checking with her first.”

Max’s sigh was heavy through the phone. “I’m sure she won’t. Her fucking ex. I don’t trust the guy, so I had one of our guys put a trace on his spending. I expected him

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