East End (Hear No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,94

weeks ago I got a phone call asking how if I would like to catch him, followed by a text message with a photo and proof of the date.”

Ben sat back then. Livy just whacked him again and then jumped up to sit next to him instead of on top of him.

Nyla followed suit.

I missed her already.

"All right," Bridge said as he rubbed his jaw. "So, Theroux contacts Nyla, and he contacts us. But who else do you think he has invited to play his game?"

Ben pushed to his feet and poured himself a drink. "Well, it makes sense that he would contact Agent, sorry, Nyla." He gave her a smile. "Using your first name is going to take a bit of getting used to. If he’s looking for some kind of information, it makes sense that he contacted Nyla because she's Interpol. She has access to databases that even East or Telly can't get into legally."

Telly shrugged. "Speak for East. I can get in anywhere."

I scowled at her. "You wish."

Nyla laughed. "I think I like you, Telly."

Telly grinned back. "I think I like you too."

I snorted. "Telly, shouldn't you be at home with Carmen? You guys leave for your wedding in three weeks."

"Yes, and everyone is invited except for you, East. Nyla, you can come without him though."

I just grinned at Telly. "A chance to ruin your wedding? Of course I'll be there."

I was teasing of course. I wouldn't ruin Telly's wedding. She was a pain in the ass, but I sort of liked her. Or at the very least, I'd gotten used to her.

Telly rolled her eyes. "Okay, so Nyla is Interpol."

Nyla added, "I was also MI5 before moving to Interpol. But just as an analyst, nothing fancy."

Bridge whistled low. "Okay, that makes sense then. So why us?"

Nyla frowned. "Yeah, why'd he reach out to you?"

I left that question to Ben. "We're not sure yet, but he claimed to have something that would incriminate Garreth Jameson.”

Nyla scowled at me then. "Yeah, so what were you stealing at the Jameson’s that night?"

I shrugged.

Bridge laughed. "She caught you?"

I shrugged again. "Maybe."

Ben guffawed. "I knew you'd been busted. Your comms went out, and then… nothing. Next thing I knew, you turned up at the SUV soaking wet."

I just glared at him.

Nyla laughed. "You didn't tell them?"

"What I told them was that I'd found you snooping around so I got out of there."

"That is not what happened. I caught him and I chased him. Would've taken him out too if there hadn't been… an incident."

Lucas leaned forward. "Oh, do tell."

Bryna whacked him. "It looks like it's probably their business."

Bridge shook his head. "No, we want the details."

Ben nodded. "Oh please, do."

But Liv came to my rescue, beautiful, awesome, fantastic Liv. “Shut up, boys.”

Nyla laughed so hard. "Oh my God, no. It was an accident. We got attached somehow, and then there were sprinklers. Anyway. He walked away with whatever he stole, and he still won't tell me what he took."

I grinned at her and gave her my best wink.

She pinched me.


"I'd like to know."

Ben just shook his head. "East just stole information off of Jameson’s computer. That's it."

“So, is this how it goes, just like a team meeting? Am I in the lair now?"

Bridge guffawed. "Nicest lair I've ever seen."

"Then you haven't been paying attention to Bruce Wayne,” I retorted.

Bryna and Livy howled. "Amen. Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne? Yes. I'd be in that lair."

Ben looked wounded as Liv enthusiastically high-fived her girls. “This is much better than Bruce Wayne’s.”

"Yes, it is baby. It is." She placated him and patted him on the knee.

He inched away. "I see what you're doing."

Nyla smiled, and I could tell she was relaxing and enjoying herself. And I relaxed too. Because having her here next to me, I didn't feel like the outsider looking in. I felt complete.



I was exhausted. When my alarm had gone off, I grumbled about it. Look, these things happen. I didn't want to leave bed. I didn't want to leave East's side. I was in the twilight zone now.

I'd gone and fallen for him, even though there was so much I didn't know about him. My gut was telling me all the things that I needed to know.

You mean all the things that you want to know, not need to know.

I shoved my hair off my face and tried to decide if I was going to wash or not. Brunch with my father was a standing tradition. I knew better than to

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