The Earl of Morrey (The League of Rogues #13) - Lauren Smith Page 0,34

him. The bed dipped as he removed his waistcoat, boots, and stockings, and then he lay down beside her.

She moved closer to him after a moment, wanting to know what it felt like to sleep with a man. As she nestled into his side, she decided that it was quite nice to lie peacefully with one’s husband.


Adam was awake before the sun, and he held his wife in his arms for a long while. He was bemused as much as disappointed that he had not been able to bed her. Last night, when he’d found her in her bath wearing nothing but her coronet, he’d been overwhelmed with his desire. But the fear and surprise in her eyes had given him some measure of control. He was determined to protect her, shelter her, even from himself.

He had tucked her into bed, but he hadn’t expected her to ask him to stay. As muddled as she was by the wine, which she’d clearly had too much of, she still wanted him to stay with her. It had been years since he’d had a mistress. Ever since John’s death, he had done his best to keep intimate relationships out of his life. Now he had a wife, and it felt quite splendid to have her warm, soft, curvy body lying against his. His little Letty.

He brushed some loose curls away from her face and took his time examining her features in the pale predawn light that filtered in through the windows. He thought of how she’d called making love her wifely duty. That had wounded him, but he reminded himself that a woman’s first time often came with pain, and he could not begrudge her that natural fear of the unknown. She had no knowledge of the pleasure that came after. Once he had her trust, he would escort her through that first time and hold her until the pain passed.

He realized that he was going to have to seduce his wife, something he’d expected to have to do before marriage, not after. At least he had ample time and opportunity while they remained at Chilgrave.

Adam eased out of bed before tucking the blankets back around Letty. He then exited her bedchamber and returned to his own. He hadn’t removed his clothes from last evening, and now his shirt was rumpled. He’d just stripped out of his clothes when his valet entered.

“Good morning, my lord.” Helms’s genial smile greeted him as he bent to retrieve Adam’s trousers and shirt from the floor.

“Good morning.” Adam next set about shaving and then dressed in fresh clothes.

“Did you have a pleasant night, sir?” Helms asked.

“Well enough, though not as well as a man would hope for his wedding night.” He had always been open with his valet, and by his reaction Adam could tell the man had something to say. He nodded, letting him know he could speak freely.

“Mrs. Oxley was concerned, as was Mrs. Hadaway. It seems Lady Caroline and Lady Morrey got a bit deep in their cups last night.”

“Yes, I discovered as much last night,” Morrey sighed theatrically. “Wish me better luck today in wooing my tender bride.”

Helms gave an amused look. “Luck be with you, my lord.”

Adam ate breakfast alone, reviewing some letters Mrs. Hadaway had placed on a tray near his seat. As he was about to leave, Caroline slid into the dining room, shielding her eyes from the bright morning sun streaming through the windows. She winced as he quite purposefully dropped a fork on his plate.

“Helms was right. Both you and Letty had too much wine.”

“It was my mistake. We were talking, and the matters being discussed were of such a nature that I feared I needed a bit more than usual to wash away the memory of our talk. Not that it succeeded.”

Adam sat up straighter. “What did you talk about that so upset you?”

“I told her about John. She needed to know the truth, all of it. I know that you planned to tell her yourself, but part of his story is mine to share.”

“Of course, Caro. You’re quite right. You have as much right to share the story as I do. In many ways, he was more a part of your world than mine.”

His sister’s face grew pale. “Was Letty very frightened by what I told her? I woke up this morning feeling guilty, wondering whether or not she thinks differently of you now.” Caroline sank gracelessly into a chair opposite him.

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