The Earl of Morrey (The League of Rogues #13) - Lauren Smith Page 0,32

did it happen?” Letty asked. “I need to know. I need to understand.”

Caroline played with her wineglass. “I suppose I can tell you. It’s almost as much my story as it is Adam’s.”

Letty took a gulp of wine and waited.

“In 1817, Adam was passing through Derby, and he witnessed three traitors being hung. It was there that he met Viscount Wilhelm . . . John.” She paused as she used the man’s given name.

“They formed a fast friendship, but unbeknownst to Adam, it was John who had exposed the three traitors and had them arrested. He worked for the Home Office, you see. John continued in his secret labors, but he and Adam continued to be the best of friends. Adam has always been reserved, even before working for the Crown. He does not easily let people into his circle. But once you win Adam’s trust, he is loyal to you beyond measure.”

“Lord Wilhelm . . . The name sounds familiar.” Letty couldn’t quite place it, but she knew she’d seen or heard it somewhere before.

“Two years ago, John and Adam were to meet for dinner, but John never arrived. Adam went in search of him and found John fighting for his life on a bridge with another man.” Caroline’s voice grew tremulous, and her grip on her wineglass made her knuckles turn white.

“What happened?” Letty whispered.

“Adam witnessed John’s murder. John fell into the river and never resurfaced. Adam dove in after him, but the effort nearly killed him. John’s body was never found.” Pain flashed in Caroline’s eyes.

Letty put a hand on her sister-in-law’s arm. “Oh, Caroline. Was Lord Wilhelm the man you had an understanding with?”

“Yes. I loved him more than anything.” She touched her abdomen and turned anguished eyes upon Letty. “I was carrying his child when Adam told me he was gone. My grief was so great that I became ill and lost the baby, a girl. She was so small, but I held her in my arms. She was the only thing I had left of him, and then she was gone too.”

“And Adam?”

“Adam was never the same. He was broken. When the Home Office came to interview him about that night, something happened. I’m not sure whether they recruited him or he volunteered, but the next I knew he was working for them.”

Letty gave Caroline’s arm another squeeze. “I’m so sorry about the baby. If I had known, I would never have asked.”

“It’s all right,” Caroline assured her. “You’re family now, and I do want you to know us better, even sad matters of the past.” She looked away toward the fire.

“This is a crusade for him, isn’t it? To find John’s killer? That’s why he continues to do this work.”

Caroline nodded. “I know James probably told you that Adam has a more lethal position with the Home Office, but that doesn’t mean he’s a ruthless killer. He’s more of a guardian than an assassin, but unfortunately that means claiming the life of an enemy sometimes. It weighs upon him greatly.”

Letty couldn’t begin to imagine the gravity of such a burden.

“He takes much upon himself, so you must give him time to open up,” Caroline advised. “But he will. I know he cares about you.”

“He said he does, but I wonder how that can be when we’ve known each other so short a time.” Letty leaned in, a new excitement replacing her sorrow at the story of John Wilhelm, at least partly.

“Yes, he told me himself that he liked you the first moment he laid eyes upon you.”

“And I was there trying to discredit Gillian. How could he have possibly liked me then?”

“You weren’t there to discredit Gillian. You simply wanted answers. You did not know who she was, and so you sought to protect your brother. Trust me, I know the sentiment well.”

They both fell into silence. Letty finished her wine and blushed. “Caroline, I’m still anxious about tonight . . .”

“You need not be. Why don’t you go on upstairs and have the servants prepare a bath?”

“That isn’t a terrible idea,” Letty conceded and bid Caroline good night.

Half an hour later, she was sinking into a large copper tub, the hot water enveloping her. She giggled a little, then hiccupped. She’d had far too much wine at dinner tonight. It was not at all what she had intended.

No, that wasn’t true. She had intended to be a little freer with her libations in preparation for her wedding night. The prospect of pain Copyright 2016 - 2024