Dust (Of Dust and Darkness) - By Devon Ashley Page 0,61

so I blurt out, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

Mother Nature, please don’t make admit the details. “’Cause I made you leave. And then made you disappear all day.”

“Yeah…about that. I just…didn’t feel well. I really just needed to get some fresh air.”

I huff, and in my mind I bitterly reply, well, that must be nice. My huff speaks louder than words, and he replies, “Rosalie, don’t be like that. You didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did I. This whole…situation…it’s just really screwed up.”

Got that right. This flippin’ faerie is making me feel all sorts of weird things. It’s awkward. And worse, I know I’ve made him uncomfortable. It’s not right for me to like his touch. Not a faerie’s. Maybe that’s why he ran…because he could tell what I was feeling. I didn’t mean it really. It just happened. Maybe I got excited over realizing how we both prefer nature to our societies. You know, finally finding someone that appreciates my way of life.

He sighs deeply. “Tell you what. I don’t think either one of us wants to have this conversation. Why don’t we just say goodnight and start over again tomorrow?”

I nod in agreement, too chicken to look up. Oh, why did I have to be so obvious earlier? Even if I did have a moment of weakness and enjoy his hands on my skin – which I did – I never should have allowed my body language to show it. Now I fear he’ll avoid me…because I’m the pixie that likes to be touched by a faerie.

Today comes too soon. I welcomed sleep last night, although my dreams teased me with several scenarios of me being free and having Jack in my life in some form or another – even one where we were more than friends. In that world, it didn’t feel wrong, wasn’t wrong. I’m not one to dwell on such dreams, but I wish the real world can be that easy. Then I won’t have to chastise myself for feeling an interest here or there for Jack. Because it wouldn’t be forbidden.

Come to think of it, I wonder what happened between our species that made them officially segregate. I believe we always lived separately, but what was the final nail in the coffin that drove us apart indefinitely? And why do the fae frown upon intermingling? Is it really that bad for Jack and me to be friends? Maybe they’re afraid of creating a new fae species. But faeries and pixies are so much alike already. What would it matter if a couple were to join and create a new fae? The only differences will probably be the blending of heights and skin tones. Right?

Regardless, I’m not in my dream world. Technically, I’m not even in the real world right now, lost in a dark, dank hole where no one will ever find me. And I’m pretty sure Finley has no intention of ever letting me out again, not even to work the line with the other stolen pixies.

I’m still a little ashamed when Jack descends my hole today, and I’m trying to force my eyes upward so I can determine his demeanor.

“Hey,” he says softly.

“Hey,” I reply, my eyes finally lifting north. Great. He seems as uncomfortable as I am. This is going to be a fun day.

“So what would you like to do today?”

I huff. As if. “How’s canopy diving sound to you?”

He smiles and places the lantern down in the center, sitting opposite of me on the floor. “Sounds cool. You ever done it before?”

“What do you think?”

“Well, I already know you’re pretty fearless. And I’m willing to bet you like to feel a good rush. So, yeah, I think you’ve been canopy diving before.”

I nod in approval. “I also love diving off waterfalls.”

“Doesn’t that get your wings wet?”

“A little. So long as you don’t dive too close to the water, your wings will shake it off.”

He huffs, but I think he’s really impressed by that. I’m guessing he’s never thought to try it before, afraid the water would impair his ability to fly.

I close my eyes and mentally recall the day I was stolen, diving from my tree house, remembering the unbreakable smile across my face. “The rush of wind upon your face, the adrenaline rushing through your body…it’s like nothing else. I love that feeling.” The smile that crept across my face begins to fade as I realize I’ll probably never get to feel it again. “Jack?” I ask gently, my eyes

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