The Duke's Runaway Princess Page 0,36

longer. That had better happen sooner rather than later, because he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out with this restraint he was exhibiting.

But if it meant he could kiss her and hold her without the fear he normally saw when he approached her, then he would do what he must and just leave her with a kiss.

They continued to walk towards her apartment, the night sounds surrounding them and the humidity creating an atmosphere of intimacy. They laughed and joked about the movie and when she reached her apartment, she looked up at him, eager to experience his kiss. She didn’t understand the groan he emitted but reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, uncaring about anything other than just feeling his firm lips against hers, tasting him once again.

Chapter 8

Zarah showered, rubbing the soap against her body in an effort to try and clear her mind of the erotic images she kept conjuring up at all times of the day. She couldn’t seem to get the memory of his body out of her mind, nor his hand as it gently held her breast, his thumb rubbing against her nipple as she watched in fascination as her body had responded to his touch.

They’d been out with each other almost every night this week and she was screaming with frustration whenever he left her with just a kiss. Sometimes that kiss was gentle, sometimes more probing and passionate. But no matter what, she was still left at her door, longing for more, but unsure how to tell him that.

She was shivering with the memories of those kisses and his teasing looks while her body’s need increased with each passing day. As she showered, she pictured what he’d looked like that day at the lake, his muscles gleaming in the sunshine as the water streamed off of him.

She shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, toweling herself dry as quickly as possible. She glanced at the clock on the wall and knew she’d have to hurry. She had a great deal of things to do and not much time to accomplish all of them because she’d been thinking about Derrick much too often lately.

The phone ringing made her jump and she dropped the towel. With numb fingers, she hurriedly reached down and picked it up, terrified that she might be exposed once again with Derrick’s all-knowing eyes to catch yet another glimpse. Could he see her through the phone? She even looked at the window to make sure the blinds were drawn, so terrified of what he could make her feel.

With a sigh and a shake of her head because of her silly reaction, she walked over to the phone and picked it up. “Hello?” she spoke into the receiver.

Half of her was expecting Suzanne to ask her to meet her somewhere, which they often did when they’d been running around too often lately. But the deep voice was exactly the man she’d wanted to avoid for another few weeks. Or years.

“Zarah, I need your help. Do you think you could be ready for dinner in an hour?”

Zarah’s fingers gripped the receiver and she couldn’t think for a long moment. Finally, she shook her head and gathered herself together. “No. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

There was a long moment of silence and then she heard him sigh. “Look, I know you’re not busy tonight because I’ve already checked at Mary’s shop for you. She said you’re not working and your roommate told me that you’d be home tonight. She said something about you reading too often whenever you’re not with me so don’t try and tell me that you’re busy because I won’t believe you.” He paused before he added, “I thought we agreed earlier in the week that you weren’t going to avoid me any longer. Does that promise still stand? Or have you changed your mind for some reason that I need to know about?”


“No, don’t even come up with another excuse. If you say you can’t help me out, that’s one thing and I’ll understand perfectly. We’ve had something going this week and I’m sure it is scaring you. Normally, I’d give you some space so you could come to terms with what is going to happen between us, but I really need your help tonight. I have some guests coming in from out of town and I need help with them and you’re the only person I know that can handle Copyright 2016 - 2024