The Duke's Runaway Princess Page 0,15

much information.

His next words proved that he was tracking her calls, trying to pin down her location. “Why do you like London so much? Is there something there that is more important that your responsibilities here at home?”

She was angry at this. “Are you referring to my responsibilities to procreate the next generation of leaders? Or my responsibility to represent my husband at stupid functions that I don’t want to attend simply because I’m his ridiculous arm candy?” She took a deep breath to calm down and glanced at her watch. “No Rashid. I’m not coming home. Not yet, anyway.”

His response was swift and furious. “You’re disobeying me, Zarah! And that’s not acceptable.”

She’d never spoken to him in this manner and she should have expected his vehement response, but it was still a surprise. She gripped the cell phone tightly, closing her eyes to keep herself calm and not lose her temper. “You’re not listening to me, Rashid. And I find that unacceptable.” She and Rashid had rarely fought growing up because anytime she would lose her temper, he would only be amused. He’d been so much older than she was and she’d worshiped him. So this argument now wasn’t in character and she knew Rashid was struggling to figure out how to handle his baby sister.

There was a long pause and Rashid finally said, “You know Sidra gave birth to a baby girl last month. Do you think you’ll ever come home and see Tiala? She’s beautiful.”

Zarah closed her eyes and fought the tears. When she could speak once again, she said, “Please send Sidra my love and I can’t wait to meet your baby girl.”

“Any idea when that might be?” he asked, the air waves vibrating with his unspoken anger.

Zara shook her head. “I don’t know.”

Another long pause and then she heard his heavy sigh of frustration. “Will you call again next week?”

Zarah nodded, biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying. “I’ve called every week just so you know I’m safe. Next week won’t be any different.”

“And are you safe?”

“Of course. I told you that I’m fine.”

“Okay. Until next week then,” he said, knowing she was going to click off soon. Their two minutes were almost over.

“Thank you. Give my love to Isla and everyone else, okay?”

“You come home and do that yourself,” he ordered.

“Goodbye, Rashid,” she said and clicked off. There were still several seconds they could have talked, but what was the point? He’d still admonish her for going her own way and she was firm in her refusal to bow to his wishes. Each conversation was a standoff and she wished he could just be happy for her and know that she was fine.

She wandered down the picturesque pathway, not really paying much attention to the summer birds or the sunshine filtering through the leaves overhead. A squirrel darted in front of her and ran up a tree, but all she could see was her brother’s furious face and how disappointed he was with her current actions.

Derrick watched the woman he’d been researching ever since his former girlfriend had walked out of Mary’s shop with so many dresses. He’d already been fascinated with her dark, mysterious beauty but watching her work Elise’s snobbishness not to mention her pointless and transparent attempts to prove to him that she would fit in easily with his world, Derrick couldn’t help but be impressed. This woman had played Elise perfectly and been unrepentant.

She was wearing a straight, black skirt and matched it with a simple, red cotton shirt. On any other woman, the outfit would look either plain or dowdy. On Zarah, the outfit took on a peasant look that complimented her lush figure, giving him an excellent view of her enticing bottom as well as those lush, full breasts pushing against the red fabric.

He listened to her conversation, uncaring that he was eavesdropping on a private phone call. The more he saw this woman, the more he wanted to know about her. She fascinated him in ways that no other woman had ever done.

“Running away from something?” a deep voice called out softly.

Zarah glanced up, startled, and looked around. The Duke of Huntington was leaning against an old tree, obviously having overheard her conversation. She was rattled, not so much by his question, but by the instant reaction her body had with his presence. That deep, rough voice added to the frisson…and those eyes! She felt like he knew everything about her and that knowledge was Copyright 2016 - 2024